Posted on 10th Dec 2024 01:08:44 AM Internship, Report, Accounting, Information, System, Agrani, Bank, PLC, Shaheb, Bazar, Branch, Rajshahi, Bangladesh, Business, Communication, Financial, Management, Income, Statement, Principles, Components, Nature, Characteristics, Organization
Man is a social being. From the early of the civilization, human beings are trying to read and write. They invent how to read and how to write. With the passage of time, man introduces schools, colleges and even Universities.
Read MorePosted on 5th Nov 2024 12:24:26 AM Internship, Report, Research, Study, Project, Marketing, Plan, Akij, Online, Limited, Institute, Computer, Information, Technology, IT, Education, Business, Official, Function, Telecommunication, Recreation, Space, Station, VSAT, ISP, ASP, UUCP, Share, Service, Environment, Goals
Akij group is one of the leading industrial groups in Bangladesh. In 1997, they took initiative to add a new dimension with its entries into the field of information technology, large scale computer and peripheral business.
Read MorePosted on 22nd Oct 2024 11:36:12 AM Internship, Report, Case, Study, Marketing, GrameenPhone, Limited, GP, Skitto, 4G, 5G, eSIM, djuice, SIM, Dealer, Modern, Telecommunication, Technology, Phone, Telegraph, Fax, Email, Internet, Pagers, Cellular, Phone, Media, Network, Coverage, International, Roaming, Prepaid, Postpaid, Card, Bill, Payment, System
It is obvious that without widespread use of telecommunication no economic development is successfully possible. As the fixed phone is more expensive and timely, the government is encouraging cellular phone companies to run their business in Bangladesh.
Read MorePosted on 16th Oct 2024 01:52:48 AM Internship, Report, Customer, Satisfaction, Mobile, Phone, Case, Study, Rajshahi, Metropolitan, City, GrameenPhone, Telenor, Telecom, Manubini, Gonophone, Skitto, Aktel, Robi, Airtel, CityCell, Dealer, Business, Studies, MBA, Communications, Network, Coverage, International, Roaming, Prepaid, Postpaid, Card, Bill, Payment, System
From the above table it is shown that Grameen and Aktel started their service within a year. As a result competition was increased and the price of set, connection line (SIM) and call rate were decreased. So, it was tolerable for the middle-income customers
Read MorePosted on 14th Oct 2024 01:03:25 AM Synopsis, Data, Rate, Control, CDMA, Networks, Wireless, Communication, System, Digital, Bangladesh
A very important consideration in data communications is how fast we can send data, in bits per second over a channel. Data rate depends on three factors: 1) the bandwidth available 2) the level of the signal we use 3)
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