Research Report on Recruitment and Selection Policies and Practices in Islami Bank Bangladesh PLC with special reference to Rajshahi Zone

Posted on 5th Dec 2024 12:17:20 AM Management

1.1 Background of the study

Human being is the best creature of Almighty. Everything in this world has been created and maintained for this human. And the human conduct all the practical activities in this world. Human involves running important activities like to control a country, to invent something new, to handle the economic activities of a country etc. No work cannot be done without the help of human being.

In the modern time the economic activities have been enlarged greatly. Now it is very much developed and sophisticated. These activities are opening various new aspects of the development. Banking sector is one of the basic parts of the world economy. It is also true in the case of Bangladesh. To conduct banking activities human resource is the only one vital element. For collecting the human resource the organizations follow some procedures.

Recruitment and selection are the important terms to collect the human resource. Without human resource banking activities cannot possible. Recruitment is the process of locating and encouraging potential applicants to apply for existing or anticipated job opening and. To ensure the recruitment of qualified applicants, the process informs the applicants about the qualifications required to perform the job. And to attract and encourage the applicants, the process informs them of the career opportunities and other facilities the organization can offer its employees.

Selection may be defined as a process of choosing from among the pool of applicants the individuals who best fill the existing or projected job openings and should be offered positions in the organizations. Whether considering employees for transfer or promotion or outside candidates for a first time position, the selection process involves a series of steps to identify the best candidates for the job position.

In Bangladesh, banking sector plays an important role for our economy. A good number of banks are working both in the public and private sector. Private banks play an important role to the economy by providing its significant performance.

With nationalization of commercial banks in 1972, there occurred a great change in the banking activities and a new era in the history of banking in Bangladesh has been created. In order to encourage private investment, government allowed some local banks to operate business in the private sectors from 1982-1983. Now the commercial banking system banking system dominates Bangladesh’s financial sector. Bangladesh Bank is the central bank of Bangladesh and the chief regulatory authority in the sector. The banking system is composed of four state-owned commercial banks, five specialized development banks, thirty private commercial banks, and nine foreign commercial banks. There has been a cutthroat competition in the banking sector in Bangladesh, which is because of foreign as well as local investment.

The study was conducted on the different private commercial banks of Rajshahi city to evaluate, analyze the recruitment and selection process of the banks. Actually qualified personnel are mandatory for banking activities because the banks conduct the economical activities of a country. These crucial activities should be done by the skilled personnel. By conducting the research, the recruitment and selection process of the private commercial banks of the Rajshahi city could be exposed and it would be possible by the researcher whether the procedure is fair or not. There are some problems of the recruitment and selection process of these banks, researcher  has also suggested some remedial measures of the problems.

1.2 Statement of the problem

Recruitment and selection are vital for an organization. Without proper recruitment and selection an organization cannot get available supply of the qualified and skilled personnel. But maximum people have a negative perception that in private organizations, selection is not conducted fairly. Employees are selected through nepotism, favorism, proper channel and corruption. To join in the private organization is not possible through fresh recruitment or fair selection, these are the negative ideas of common people. It is assumed that in most of the private commercial banks of the country, the recruitment and selection are not fair. There are serious problems on the way of recruitment and selection. To uncover the reality behind the practices of recruitment and selection, the study has been undertaken. The study will focus the problems relating to the unfair recruitment and selection of private commercial banks and provide some suggestions of those problems. There are some unfair practices in the procedure of recruitment and selection in private commercial banks which can be eradicate through proper guidelines, maintenance and ethical practices. As private commercial banks are the driving force of the economy of any country, its selection should be fair because the banks need qualified employees.

1.3 Objectives of the study

The main objective of the study is to know the situation of recruitment and selection procedure of the private commercial banks in Rajshahi city and provide suggestions for fair selection process. The other objectives are-

  • To analyze and evaluate recruitment and selection process of the private commercial banks.
  • To identify the shortcomings of the recruitment and selection process of the private commercial banks.
  • To provide some suggestions to ensure the fairness of the recruitment and selection procedure of the private commercial banks.

1.4 Justification of the study

Human resource is the driving force of the success of an organization. If there are available qualified, skilled employees in the organization, the performance of the organization will be better ultimately. Recruitment and selection are such type of tools and technique by which organization can ensure the supply of qualified and skilled personnel. Through recruitment process unqualified candidates can be eliminated and for this success rate of the selection process is improved. To discover and attract potential candidates who can meet the job requirements as well as who are suited to the organization’s unique culture and climate are the purpose of the recruitment and selection. For the active and qualified employees the organization could compete with other organizations, earn sound profit. The study conducted to identify the problems, analyze the problems and provide some suggestive measures for the problems so that the authority and HR department can be benefited through the suggestion and start the complete ethical and fair practices of recruitment and selection process. The study would be helpful for the organizations to identify the problems and limitations and also helpful to take necessary steps for fair recruitment and selection.

1.5 Scope of the study

The study conducted on the five private commercial banks in Rajshahi city. 

The study also conducted on the recruitment and selection area. The scopes of the study are-

In case of recruitment- 

  • Internal recruitment
  • External recruitment

The private commercial banks have the practice of internal recruitment for fulfilling the vacant positions of upper level. Through promotion the vacant position of upper level can be fulfilled. Job posting, transfer are also the methods of internal recruitment.

For the external recruitment the methods used by the banks are-

  • Electronic media
  • Online
  • Print media
  • Employee referral
  • Employment agency

In case of selection-

  • Preliminary interview
  • Review of application blanks/resumes
  • Selection (employment/psychological) test
  • Employment (in-depth) interview
  • References and background check
  • Physical/Physiological examination
  • Selection decision
  • Candidate notification

Although there is standard selection procedure that has eight steps but the private, commercial banks follow these following steps for their selection-

  • Review of application blanks
  • Selection test
  • Employment (in-depth) interview
  • Selection decision
  • Candidate notification

To know and evaluate the methods and procedures of recruitment and selection are the scope of the study.

1.6 Methodology of the study

Methodology is the way of conducting a study. It is the process of collecting data, and analyzing this data and doing other relevant activities. It is the combination of rules and techniques, which are used in a study. In performing any applied research, a clear and specific methodology has to be followed where methodology is a set of methods used in a particular area of activity. Methodology of study is explained below:

Data Collection Method

Data collection is an important task for every researcher. It is not an easy job. Data were collected from two main sources. Those are:

a) Primary Sources of Data: Primary data were collected through:

Questionnaire: For collecting intensive data and information both open ended and close-ended question were used. An structured Questionnaire was supplied to the employees of the private commercial banks in Rajshahi city. There were 21 questions in the questionnaire. The employees answered the questions properly and returned the question paper to the researcher. 

Interview: The researcher gathered information and data by taking interview of the employees of the private commercial banks in Rajshahi city. They were very good in conduct and associated to provide their various information, data, chart and other necessary things that is important for the study.

b) Secondary Sources of Data: The secondary data were collected from some sources such as:

Publications: The researcher collected the data and information from publications of the private commercial banks in Rajshahi city.

Website: The researcher visited the website of the banks and collected various important relevant data and information.

Journals: Researcher collected information of the study from the different national and international journals.

Articles: Data were collected from the various articles on recruitment and selection published nationally and internationally.

Others: The researcher also collected relevant information through newspapers, books, research report and many other publications to fill-up the knowledge gap.

The collected data then interpreted to drive saltiest findings, which are presented in the report.

Sample Area

For conducting a good research work, it is important to select a relevant sample area. This research attempted to evaluate and analyzed the recruitment and selection process towards the private banking sector in Bangladesh. For conducting this study, the researcher has been selected private commercial banks located in Rajshahi city as sample area. Rajshahi is one of the divisional headquarters of Bangladesh, where branches of all types’ banks are located. There are about 70 branches of different banks, which are operating their business in Rajshahi. Relevant data and information were collected from various private commercial banks in Rajshahi city.

Sample Size

The study conducted on the private commercial banks of Rajshahi city. Among the banks researcher selected five banks. The banks are-

  • NRBC Bank PLC
  • NCC Bank PLC
  • One Bank PLC
  • Mercantile Bank PLC
  • Islami Bank Bangladesh PLC

The total respondents were 30. Among these five banks researcher selected six employees from each bank as purposively respondent. The questionnaire was provided to the employees. They responded fruitfully that would be helpful for the researcher to evaluate and analyzed the recruitment and selection process of the private commercial banks as well as to conduct the study.

1.7 Limitation of the study

In undertaking the research program, researcher faced various problems. Thus, the study has some limitations. These are as follows: 

  1. Limited time: There was very short time to complete this study properly. It is needed at least 6 months to conduct the study properly. Whereas researcher has gotten 3 months times. For this reason, researcher could not be able to collect data from the different regions of the country to perform the research work properly. 
  2. Fund unavailability: To operate this study program, there was no available money. In addition, there was no source for financial support. Therefore, researcher could not be able to interview with more respondent.
  3. Lack of cooperation: The Officers and employees of the banks are busy in their banking activity in most of the time. Therefore, it was not so easy to collect data from them. 
  4. Limitation of Sample Size: We know that if the sample size is large then it will be more representative to the population and research work will be more reliable. It wouldn’t be possible due to time shortage and financial crises. 
  5. Secrecy of data: Information about the bank is confidential & critical. The main barrier in preparing this report was confidentiality of data.
  6. Limitation of Area: As the research conducted on the five private commercial banks of Rajshahi city, these are very short in number. If the sample area were large, the research work would be more fruitful and effective.


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Chapter-1 Introduction

1.1 Background of the study 

1.2 Statement of the problem

1.3 Objectives of the study

1.4 Justification of the study

1.5 Scope of the study

1.6 Methodology of the study

1.7 Limitations of the study

Chapter-2 Literature Review


3.1 Concept and meaning of Recruitment and Selection

3.2 The Purpose of Recruitment

3.3 The process of Recruitment

3.4 Source of Recruitment

3.5 Constraints on the Recruitment Process

3.6 Selection Procedure

3.7 Significance of Selection

3.8 Constraints on the selection Process Serial           

Chapter-4 Analysis and Interpretation of Data

Chapter-5 Findings, Recommendation and Conclusion

5.1 Findings 

5.2 Recommendation

5.3 Conclusion



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Websites of the selected private commercial bank.

Some published and unpublished Research Reports.


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