Posted on 6th Dec 2024 01:01:46 AM Management
1.1 Introduction
Organizational commitment is one of the work related attitudes which have attracted the minds of scholars and practitioners in the field of Human Resources Management due to the impact it has on employees and organizational performance (Robbins, 2005). The literature suggests that individuals become committed to organizations for a variety of reasons, including an affective attachment to the values of the organization, a realization of the costs involved with leaving the organization, and a sense of obligation to the organization (Meyer & Allen, 1997). Boehman, (2006) and Brown (2003) viewed organizational commitment as multidimensional in nature, involving an employees’ willingness to exert effort on behalf of the organization, the degree of goal and value congruency with the organization, and desire to maintain membership. Organizational commitment is a bond between an employee and the employer (Chen and Hseeh, 2006), and the more favourable an individual’s attitudes toward the institution, the greater the individual’s acceptance of the goals of the organization, as well as their willingness to exert more effort on behalf of the organization.
The management of people at work is an integral part of the management process. To understand the critical importance of people in the organization is relatively on its effectiveness to degree to which achieves its goal.
To recognize that the human element and the organization are synonymous. A well-managed organization usually sees an average worker as the root source of quality and productivity gains, to capital investment. But to employees as the fundamental sources of improvement. An organization is effective to the degree to which it achieves its goals. An effective organization will make sure that there is a spirit, of cooperation and sense of sphere of its influence. As organization battle to get the most from their existing employee in an environment characterized by skill shortages such the role of human resource practices in the organization in fostering employee engagement and commitment is paramount, in doing this many organizations is aware of the significant impact both positive and negative that employee have on, organizational performance and productivity. Many successful organizations are strongly committed to look after their employee needs because they belief that organization that foster employee satisfaction can secure greater employee commitment. (Popoola. et al 2007). Commitment is a belief, which reflects “the strength of a person’s attachment to an organization”. Researchers have suggested that reciprocity is a mechanism underlying commitment and that employees will offer their commitment to the organization in reciprocation for the organization having fulfilled its psychological contract. By fulfilling obligations relating to pay, job security, and career development, employers are creating a need for employees to reciprocate, and this can take the form of altitudinal reciprocity through enhanced commitment and consequently influence employees to stay with the organisation. Meyer & Alien (1991) in the previous studies of the concept commitment have substantiated that employee commitment to the organisation has a positive influence on job performance. Many successful organizations are strongly committed to look after their employee needs because they belief that organization that foster employee satisfaction can secure greater employee commitment as organization battle to get the most from their existing an environment characterized by skill shortages as such, the role of human resources practice in the organization in fostering employee engagement and commitment is paramount. In this direction, attainment of organization objective is hinged on the significant impact both positive and negative that employees have on organizational performance and productivity (Wagar 2003). According to, commitment is a belief which reflectsthe strength of an employee attachment to an organization. The policy of organizational commitment to employees can be used to gain employees support and in turnmaximize the benefits it receive from their employee with greater productivity and the individual performance, alsoincrease in the same proportion. Commitment is a measure of the relative strength of an employee’s identification with an involvement in a particular organization. It can also be viewed as the knowledge, skills, abilities and experience of the work force which is useful to the organization only if the employees are willing to apply it to the achievement of the organization goals.
1.2 Rationale of the Study
Today’s business world is dynamic and competitive therefore organizations looking for talent, extrovert graduates who belong to high degree of adaptability quality. Today’s business graduates will be the core part of business organization. So business graduates need to have both theoretical & practical knowledge to manage the business activity properly. In order to be familiar with organizational culture and to gain some practical knowledge about an organization our Department provides research program as a part of the MBA program. After completion of the program period a student must submit the report on the assigned topic to the Supervisor and the department.
1.2.1 Rationale of selecting Janata Bank
I was assigned in Janata Bank PLC through my supervisor. I was selecting Bangladesh Janata Bank PLC, Rajshahi Corporate Branch to perform my research program as my honorable supervisor inspired me. I thought Janata Bank being the prime development financing institution continued its effort to make an effective contribution towards expansion of industrialization process of Bangladesh. It seems to me that in Janata Bank there is a sufficient opportunity to gain practical knowledge about the activities of a bank. The working environment is good and the employees are very much cooperative to provide practical knowledge about different functions of the bank. I selected a topic named "Impact of organizational commitment on employee performance on Janata Bank PLC, Rajshahi Corporate Branch." On the basis of this topic I have prepared my Research Report.
1.3 Statement of the Problem
Lack of organization commitment gave negative effects on employee productivity which to a large extent contribute immensely to failure of organization not achieving their goals. Organization commitment to employee can be achieve through various motivation incentives, however, they cannot easily be achieved due to some problems based on the fact. That in what way can employer and employee be committed, and how can organization continually meet the requirement and use of employee. The problem of the study is to examine the impact of organizational commitment on employee performance or productivity in Janata bank.
1.4 Objectives of the Study
The study will achieve the following objectives:
1.5 Scope of the Study
Since I have worked in the Janata Bank PLC, I get the opportunity to gain knowledge of different part of banking system. The supervisor divided into the whole banking in three parts as a result I got the opportunity to work in all three divisions (investment division, credit division, foreign exchange division). And from these three different departments or divisions, I hope that I will be capable of doing these types of jobs in the future. Moreover, my supervisor helps me to communicate with HR Department.
1.6 Methodology
The report would be based on an exploratory research paper. Throughout the report, I will use different type of research method to find out proper and correct information and also provide a good report.
For preparing this research report I will basically use my experience from different department of the Janata Bank PLC. And I will also use some official documents provided by the officers. For adding more value to this report I will use some books or lecture specialized on the banking sectors.
1.7 Sources of Data Collection
1.7.1 Primary Sources
Primary data will be collecting by different sources:
1.7.2 Secondary Sources
1.8 Limitations of the Study
On the way of my study in Janata Bank PLC, I faced the following problems, which may be termed as the limitations of the study. The major limitations of this study are given as follows:
The need for this study arose from the acknowledgement of organizational commitment on employee productivity as the most critical in all organizational analyses, and the determinant often found between goals of the organizational all the needs of employee within it, therefore, necessary to empirically study how the impact of organizational commitment on employee are coping with the challenges of employee performance or productivity. The presence of organizational commitment to employees can be used to gain employees support for organization and in turn maximize the benefits it receive from their employee with greater productivity and individual performance seems to increase in the same proportions. Organizational commitment and employee performance issue are emerging as the most critical work force management challenges of the past, present and immediate future driven by, and employee loyalty. Frontline manager, supervisions, a project leader, team captain or human resource manager actually has more power in an organization to reduce poor productivity, because the factors that drive employee satisfaction and commitment are largely within the direct manager’s control, and for this to be achieved successfully there is need to understand the motive as a bases of performance require to motivate employee in order to improve their commitment to the organization.
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Rationale of the Study
1.2.1 Rationale of selecting Janata Bank
1.3 Statement of the Problem
1.4 Objectives of the Study
1.5 Scope of the Study
1.6 Methodology
1.7 Sources of Data Collection
1.8 Limitations of the Study
Chapter 2: Literature Review
2.1 Literature Review
2.2 Research Gap
Chapter 3: Methodology
3.1 Research Methodology
3.2 Sample Area
3.3 Sample Size
3.4 Nature and Sources of Data
3.5 Data Collection Procedure
3.6 Data Analysis Procedures
Chapter 4: Overview of Janata Bank Bangladesh PLC. & Rajshahi Corporate Branch
4.1 History of Bank in Bangladesh
4.2 Overview of Janata Bank
4.3 Historical Background of Janata Bank PLC
4.4 Organizational Structure of Janata Bank Corporate Branch, Rajshahi
4.5 Janata Bank Corporate Branch at a glance
Chapter 5: Theoretical and Conceptual Framework
5.0 Organizational Commitment
5.1 Categories of Organizational Commitment
5.2 Factors Affecting Organizational Commitment
5.3 Effects of Organisational Commitment
5.4 Commitment to Career/Profession Overview
5.5 Importance of Work Commitment
Chapter 6: Data Analysis & Major Findings
6.1 Descriptive Statistical Analysis
Chapter 7: Recommendation and Conclusion
7.1 Recommendations
7.2 Conclusions
7.3 References
7.4 Questionnaire
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Research, Proposal, Impact, Organizational, Commitment, Employee, Performance, Case, Study, Janata, Bank, Rajshahi, Corporate, Branch, Human, Resource, Management, Practice, Theoretical, Conceptual, Framework, Structure, Statistical, Analysis
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