Posted on 3rd Jan 2025 11:57:32 PM Banking, Finance
Continuous technological development, particularly, information technology revolution of the decades of the 20th century has forced the banks to introduce the e-banking operation for their sustainable growth in expanded competitive environment. E-banking has made financial transactions easier for the participants and has introduced wide range of financial product and services. Electronic banking systems allow business parties or individual to pay directly or to debit accounts via telecommunication systems. The main focus of this research is present scenario, prospects of e-banking in banking sector of Bangladesh. The study is descriptive in nature and data were gathered through website of different bank, monthly report, newspaper etc. The result of this study shows that how e banking up-surging in banking sector and makes our country with more state of art facilities.
1.1 Introduction
E-banking implies provision of banking products and services through electronic delivery channels. It permits anytime, anywhere and any how banking. It offers easy, faster, convenient, low cost banking services around the clock E-Banking as the wave of the future, provides enormous benefits to consumers in terms of cost of transactions, either through internet, telephone or other electronic delivery channels. E-Banking is now widely practiced in Bangladesh. There are various types of e-banking services like SMS banking, Tele Banking, Push and Pull services, ATM, Fast Track etc. that have been introduced by the commercial banks in Bangladesh. E-banking product and services can include wholesale products for corporate customers as well as retail and fiduciary products for individual customers. E-banking refers to systems that enable bank customer to access accounts and general information on bank products and services through a personal computer or other intelligence device. Now a day’s due to emerging global economy, e-commerce and e-business have increasingly become a necessary component of business strategy and a strong catalyst for economic development. The new information technology is becoming an important factor in the future development of financial services industry, and especially banking industry. As a third-world developing country, Bangladesh is far behind to reach the expected level in global banking system. Electronic banking has been around for some time in the form of automatic teller machines l customer transaction costing about $1 in a traditional "brick and mortar" bank branch or $0.60 through a phone call costs only about $0.02 online. Electronic banking also makes it easier for customers to compare banks' services and products, can increase competition among banks, and allows banks to penetrate new markets and thus expand their geographical reach.
1.2 Problem Area of the Study
Though e-banking offers easy, faster, convenient, low cost around the clock, it has several problems. At present there is no proper infrastructure for performing e-banking activities in Bangladesh. Slow uptake of internet access and PCs, poor telecommunication network policies , lack of skilled IT workforce and lack of awareness at customer level of e-banking issue are the main problems of e-banking in Bangladesh.
1.3 Literature Review
The summary of different studies on e-banking in Bangladesh and other countries could be possible are as follows:
Himani Sharma (1) found that the bankers are conviced that e-banking helps in improving the relationship between bankers and customers and that it will bring improvement in the overall performance of banks.
Bahi Sarit (2) in a work in India determined that security issues are the big factors in e-banking. I security and privacy are resolved; the future of e-banking can be prosperous.
Mihir Kumar Roy (3) mentioned in a research that the perceived ease of use security and privacy and online information are significantly correlated with banking use of the customers.
Hasan (4) conducted an exploratory research and find that a developing country, Bangladesh is far behind to reach the expected level in global banking system. The result showed that e-banking provides several advantages Bangladeshi banking sector. The study also observed that Bangladeshi customers do not have enough knowledge regarding e-banking which is rendered by banking sector in Bangladesh.
Howard and Moore (1982) (5) reported that consumers must be aware of the new brand before adoption. Therefore it is important factor that the boxes have to create awareness on internet banking to the consumers. Adoption means acceptance and continued use of a product, service and idea. Customers go through a process of knowledge, persuasion, decision and confirmation before they adopt the product or services
Nsouli and Schaechter, 2002 (6) E-banking is the waves of the future. It provides enormous benefits to consumers in terms of case and cost of transactions, either through internet, telephone or other electronic delivery channels.
From the aforesaid literature review and evaluation of e-banking in developed and developing countries and in Bangladesh it is evident that internet use and e-banking studies were conducted in different dimension that sound secure e-banking only possible if a country can ensure good infrastructures and manpower.
1.4 Objectives of the Study
1.5 Methodology
Research Design
This research is mainly descriptive in nature based on secondary data. This research is conducted to identify future prospects of e-banking in Bangladesh.
Sample Type
Sample can be classified in various types Such as probability and non-probability sampling method. But in this research non-probability sampling method is used.
Sample Size
After selecting the types of sampling a small sample of five banks are selected from the twenty four available banks practicing e-banking system in Bangladesh. The five banks are Dutch Bank Limited, Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited, Prime Bank limited, Dhaka Bank Limited, BRAC bank Limited.
Sample Selection
For this research random sampling method is selected to make this research effective.
Data Collection
This study is mainly based on secondary data. Secondary data are collected from book journals research paper and from the annual report of the previous year of the selected bank.
Data Processing
In order to process the data Ms excel has been used to analyze the data and to prepare the graphical presentation.
Data Analysis Tools
In this research regression analysis is used to analyze the data.
Time Horizon
In this research data is used from the time horizon of 31 December 2011 to 31 December 2015.
1.6 Limitations of the Study
To conduct the research, there have come some limitations-
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Problem Area of the Study
1.3 Literature Review
1.4 Objectives of the Study
1.5 Methodology
1.6 Limitations of the Study
Chapter 2: Overall conceptual review of e-banking
2.1 Electronic Banking
2.2 History of E-Banking
2.3 Features of the Electronic Bank
2.4 Types of E-banking
2.5 Benefits of E- Banking
2.6 Required Physical Infrastructure for E-Banking
2.7 E-banking product available in Bangladesh
Chapter 3: Findings and Analysis
3.1 Present Scenario & Status of E-Banking in Bangladesh
3.2 Name of Some Electronic Banks in Bangladesh
3.3 Prospects of E-Banking in Bangladesh
3.4 Economic Aspects of E-Banking in Bangladesh
3.5 Analysis of some selected Bank of Bangladesh
Chapter 4: Recommendation and Conclusion
Research, Report, Future, Prospects, E-Banking, Emerging, Electronic, Commerce, Challenge, Practice, Economical, Online, Banking, Bangladesh, Empirical, Analysis, Internet, Security, Soundness, Examination, Procedures
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