Posted on 16th Dec 2024 12:36:02 AM Management
This chapter is providing the snapshot of the overall research work and the aims and objectives of the research. This chapter is providing the structure of the research that is outlined the overall research. The research questions highlight the research problem in this chapter.
Background of the research
Internet use is spreading rapidly into daily life, and directly affecting people’s ideas and behavior. Internet has an impact in many areas including the higher education system. Internet heralded the development and implementation of new and innovative teaching strategies in higher education institutions. Educators who advocate technology integration in the learning process believe it will improve learning and prepare students to effectively participate in the 21st century workplace. Internet use has become a way of life for the majority of higher education students all around the world. For most college students the Internet is a functional tool, one that has greatly changed the way they interact with others and with information as they go about their studies. They use computers to accomplish a wide range of academic tasks. Many students prepare course assignments, make study notes, tutor themselves with specialized multimedia, and process data for research projects. Most exchange emails with faculty, peers, and remote experts.
Research Idea Generation
Research Idea Generation uses the creative sessions, brainstorming, ideation, qualitative research, etc. to generate new ideas. Find an organization to identify, develop and test ideas and concepts for new area.
In this research, we use brainstorming techniques for idea generation. Brainstorming is the process for generating creative ideas and solutions through intensive and freewheeling group discussion(Henningsen, 2013). Every participant is encouraged to think aloud and suggest as many ideas as possible.
Research Questions
Specifying the research question is the methodological point of departure of scholarly research. The answer to a research question will help address a "Research Problem" that is the central element of both quantitative and qualitative research (Creswell, J. W., 2009). The questions of this research are–
Research Objectives
The research objectives provide an accurate description of the specific actions that will take in order to reach the aim of the research. The main objectives of the research highlight in below –
Research Methodologies
This chapter refers the summery of the methodology that the researcher used to complete this research. The methodology of this research highlighting the overall process of data collection that use in the research (Creswell, J. W., & Clark, V. L. P. 2007). Wear every much conscious about the method selection because inappropriate methods can make the overall process invalid. We use the descriptive research design where the questionnaire survey methods used for data collection. For data analysis we use the SPSS computer software for ensuring the validity and reliability of data analysis. We also provide chart and table to show the data for clearly understand.
Research Population and Sampling Design
A research population is generally a large collection of individuals or objects that is the focus of a scientific query. It is for the benefit of the population that researches are done. However, due to the large sizes of populations, researchers often cannot test every individual in the population because it is too expensive and time-consuming.
A sample is simply a subset of the population. The concept of sample arises from the inability of the researchers to test all the individuals in a given population. The sample must be representative of the population from which it was drawn and it must have good size to warrant statistical analysis.
In this research, we select our population number 2093 (approximately) that indicates the students of business faculty in Rajshahi University. In the above chart, it represents that the total students of business faculty of Rajshahi University. Among this in Accounting Information System Department, have 500 where 400 students in BBA program in 4 year and 100 students for MBA program for one year. In Marketing Department the total students 500 within this in BBA program is 400 and 100 in MBA. In Management Studies Department total students are 500 within this 400 students are in BBA program and 100 students in MBA program. In Finance Department the total students is 500 that includes 400 for BBA program and 100 in MBA program. Moreover, Insurance and Banking is the new department that only start the BBA program that has 93 students total including 50 in first year and 43 in second years.
From this population we select sample size 419 approximately that is 20% of our total population.
Data collection process
We use the questionnaire survey methods for data collection. The questionnaire and questionnaire design process discuss in below–
Questionnaire is one of the research data collection instrument. In this research, the researcher used questionnaire for survey to collect the primary sources of data (Smith, J. A. 2007).This questionnaire is also design for statistical analysis of the response. We divided the questionnaire into two parts: Secession A(part 1 and part 2). The part 1 content the demographic questions for collects the data about respondents. Demographic information is necessary to understand the profile of the respondents. Part 2 include specific questions related to the research topic. Secession B includes the 5 Likert Scale questionnaires where we include the 5 option for respondents.
Questionnaire design process
We used the five point Likert scale for questionnaire design. There are five measurement items for 5 points where 5 is for strongly Agree and 1 for strongly disagree for taking different decision.
Data Analysis
We used mixed methods for data analysis. The various types of graph, chat, table and figure used to understand. The researcher used the quantitative methods from collects the data from Students and used qualitative data for analysis the information. The researcher used SPSS software package for analysis the statistical data and used data software program for store the data securely. We sort the data because there are huge data that are collects from primary and secondary sources. Only the reliable and valid data are included in the final research paper for maintaining the standard. The descriptive methods used for analyzing the data that collects form the questionnaire survey.
Pilot Survey
A pilot study, pilot project or pilot experiment is a small-scale preliminary study conducted in order to evaluate feasibility, time, cost, adverse events, and affect size (statistical variability) in an attempt to predict an appropriate sample size and improve upon the study design prior to performance of a full-scale research project. We conduct pilot survey 5% on sample size that means on 21 respondents approximately.
Rationality of the study
The Internet is an educational tool with numerous potentials. It may use to replace the traditional classroom lectures or supplement traditional instructional methods. The Internet enables students to communicate with other students abroad and thus share each other’s ideas, knowledge, experiences, and cultures (Lui, 1997). The Internet enhances skills and capabilities of students, which assist them in studies and in professional life. Students with high CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average) use the Internet more for their studies and gain more knowledge and information across the world (Awais, Bilal, Usman, Waqas, & Sehrish, n.d). University students should be encouraged to use academic and reliable resources in their term project and homework for successful investigation. They should use e-journals, e-libraries, e-books, and online databases as academic resources for their related courses (Shahin, Balta & Ercan, 2010).
The main purpose of this study are to investigate the attitudes of students of Business Faculty at the Rajshahi University of towards the Internet, specifically how they access the Internet, what they use the Internet for, how frequently they use the Internet, what Internet services they use most, how satisfied they are with the Internet services provided by the university, and what problems they face during an Internet search.
Research Limitations
The followings are the limitation of this research–
Limited time
This is a research project, lots of time need in order to properly collect primary and secondary data, and to analyses, the data to reach a decision but the time allocated for this research is very limited. For this reason, research has faced difficulties in collecting primary and secondary data, and to analyses the data, which hamper the quality of this research.
Limited budget
To collect primary data, researchers arranged different sorts of programs. There was no significant and structured financial support to do such research. Therefore, we could not smoothly collect primary data. If the budget were higher, research could be improved.
Research Area
The research area is very limited. We only collect the data from the faculty of Business Studies of Rajshahi University that makes the boundary in the investigation.
Information Unavailability
The information unavailability is one of the big problems of this research. The students are not co-operative to provide the information. On the other hand, they sometimes not want to provide the actual information about their internet access.
Research budget
Research budget is very important part of the research because if the budget is not adequate the researcher can’t collect data in proper way. In this research, we have no academic aids. We use our personal budget for data collection. In the questionnaire survey we physically visit the survey area and personally bear the transportation cost. On the other hand, we also bear the printed cost of the paper and internet cost for secondary data collection along with all other expenses.
Chapter One: Introduction
Background of the research
Research Idea Generation
Research Questions
Research Objectives
Research Methodologies
Research population and sample design
Data collection process
Data Analysis
Pilot Survey
Rationality of the Study
Research limitations
Research Report Structure
Research Budget
Chapter Two: Literature review
Chapter Three: Conceptual Framework
Chapter Four: Overview of the University of Rajshahi
Organization and administration
Chapter Five: Analysis and Interpretation
Chapter Six: Findings
Chapter Seven: Concluding Remarks and Recommendation implication
Further Research Area
Research, Report, Attitude, Business, Students, Regarding, Internet, Survey, University, Rajshahi, Bangladesh, Pilot, Questions, Structure, Budget
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