Research Proposal an Assessment of the CSR Activities of some Selected Private Commercial Banks in Bangladesh

Posted on 9th Dec 2024 01:21:33 AM Management


CSR is very much important from the both (either company or society) point of view. From the company’s point of view, CSR helps company for long term survival. In addition, from the society’s point of view, society will be benefited in many ways by the practices of CSR of the organizations. Infect both parties will be benefited by CSR. Moreover, the aim of an organization is to create economic and social value to the society. At the same time the  society always get  advantages in different ways by the practices of CSR.I  try  to descries  the practices  of CSR in Bangladesh with a preference to EXIM Bank  Ltd. In fact most of the CSR studies conducted so far have been in the context of developed countries very few studies are available on the CSR practices in the developing countries. All of   these studies were carried out in the contest of newly industrialized such as Malaysia and Singapore and the African countries such as – South Africa, Uganda. There are few detailed studies available in a South Asian context excepting the widely quoted one of Singh and Ahuja (1983), a case study on the Indian CSR by Hedge at (1997) and a very short sleety study on Bangladeshi CSR by Belal (1999). ‘Corporate Social Responsibility’ or CSR can be defined as Social Responsibility of Corporate to the society. Today CSR is not about philanthropy or charitable work. It refers to something more fundamental. It is about how companies take responsibility for their actions in the world at large. To address the social problems or the problems of the stakeholders, the business community evolved a new approach in their business strategies named CSR and through CSR enterprises are intent to strike a balance between economic and social goals, where resources are used in a rational manner and social needs are be addressed responsibly. CSR can be viewed as a comprehensive set of policies, practices, and programs that are integrated into business operations, supply chains, and decision making processes throughout the company and include responsibilities for current and past actions as well as adequate attention to future impacts. CSR focuses vary by business, by size, by sector and even by geographic region. CSR increase the business profitability and can preserve interest of all stakeholders. CSR was more of a charity by affluent or socially responsible business organizations without expecting any financial return. The driving forces of CSR are new concerns and expectations from citizens, consumers and as investors. Increased concern about the damages caused to the environment by economic activities; transparency of business activities brought about by the media and modern information and communication technologies are all contributing to the changing scenario regarding CSR.


Background to the Study

The background of the study is an attempt to establish the benefits of CSR to the banking business and the real motives of practitioners engaging in CSR. The research will be a vital contribution to the existing body of knowledge for CSR in the financial services sector in the Bangladesh.

The background of the study regarding this research paper are:

  • To get a broader overview of CSR of Exim Bank Limited (Corporate Social Responsibility). 
  • To identify the CSR activities served by Exim Bank Limited.
  • To critically synchronize the result of the performance or profit after practicing CSR of Exim Bank Limited.
  • To gain familiarity with the CSR activities. 

Problem statement and justification

CSR activities of the corporate house like banking sectors are very urgent in the developing country like Bangladesh to achieve the significant development in favor of national images. Though the EXIM Bank Ltd. commercial banks and government specialized banking corporations have been playing a vital role in this segment according to the government amendments, the private commercial bank also contributing to this segment in a large extent being a responsible social institution to develop the living standard of people of this lag behind area. But the query comes to my mind, whether these PCBs are operating their CSR practices in the right area or not? Whether any significant achievement has achieved our country in this segment or not? Are the people very happy with their CSR practices?

Objectives of the study

The objectives of the study are:

  • To achieve a clear idea about the CSR practices of EXIM Bank Ltd.
  • To find out problems and prospects of CSR practices of EXIM Bank Ltd. 
  • To throw light on the concept of CSR.
  • To find out CSR practice of banking sector in Bangladesh. 
  • To recommend some necessary steps to boost CSR activities.

Research questions

  • How does EXIM Bank Ltd manage CSR in practice and what are the challenges faced in managing CSR?
  • Who are the main stakeholders and what issues are they concerned about.
  • What are the key issues facing in the areas of CSR practice and implementation?
  • Which factors have influenced to EXIM Bank Ltd. adopting business strategies to address CSR matters? EXIM Bank Ltd.


Hypothesis-1: There is a positive relation between CSR and bank’s goodwill.

Hypothesis-2: Society is not very much benefited by corporate social responsibility.


Like other banking corporations EXIM Bank Ltd. also has a significant contribution in the Social arena which has made it one of the most co-operative organizations from the view point of the beneficiary. Last 5 years EXIM Bank  Limited has compensated a huge amount of money in several social welfare projects (rehabilitation after catastrophic disaster, agricultural development, small and cottage industries development, urbanization, rural development, donation to welfare trusts and so on) that turn the organization around at the best banking corporation in the eye of beneficiaries. CSR activities of EXIM Bank Limited have been creating a positive attitude and outlook among its beneficiaries through its wide range of social development programs for maintaining social commitment. 

Delimitations/Scope of the study

The scope of this study was based on the information available from the direct interview of employees engaged in banks. The analysis and interpretation prepared in this report was conducted on the executive of banks. The analysis included all the statistical analysis and their interpretations. Vertical and horizontal analysis was also included to show the overall condition of CSR and its relation with different variables. Some suggestions and recommendations were also made in this report as this was the part of our study. To analyze and evaluate this paper we have concentrate on different CSR activities of bank through the employees of different banks.


There are some limitations that I have faced in preparing this report. Basically I faced difficulties in collecting data from the different sources. To collect primary data some individual showed no interest in interviewing them. For secondary data, I faced problems of unorganized record of documents keeping by different sources. Preparing the report I faced some difficulties which are-

  • The main limitation of this report is that the officials did not disclose all data and information for the reason of confidentiality. 
  • Lack of proper information in the websites of the Banks.  
  • Inexperience and time constraints are the other limitations. 
  • Secondary data were collected from the Annual Reports which may contain biased information.

This report has been prepared with limited resources. Due to this reasons the justifications stated may not reflect the actual scenario.


Surveys of CSR practices in western countries reveal that companies place the greatest emphasis on disclosing human resource information such as employee numbers and remuneration, equal opportunities, employee share ownership, disability policies, and employee training (Gray et al., 2001).

AlamShafiul, et al. (2010) pointed out that CSR is still an evolving concept that enables corporate executives to create and apply self-determined policies to best meet the needs and demands of its stakeholders. Here, it has remarked that the peculiar nature of CSR practices makes their cross-border management difficult. Achieving consistent CSR practices across global operations involves not only the transfer of the CSR practice, but also the transfer of its underlying value and meaning.

Azim et al. (2011) mentioned corporate social responsibility is not the only ethical dilemma that financial institutions face in an atmosphere of corrupt corporate practice. These institutions are also concerned with commitment for sustainable development. A well-functioning finance sector in any country can contribute directly to a healthy economy. Also cited, that CSR reporting of financial sector in Bangladesh is increasing and organization are concerned about the matter and significantly maintained in the annual report.

BelalA R (2001) made a study on different listed companies of Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) and found out that most of the companies made mandatory and non-mandatory information. He also noted that 51% companies did not disclose mandatory information. He has taken the study in the context of politics & history, economic, socio-culture and regulatory & institutional. Lastly, he made a comment that a number of companies are making social disclosure but the quantity of information disclosed is very low.

I want to address that the given literature sources helped me so much to get some idea, data, and fundamental pre-requisite for the study.  Moreover, it also generates some fundamental ideas about the different people’s opinion as to CSR practices in different viewpoints. 


Research Design

I personally have conducted a desk interview with the Manager in EXIM Bank Ltd, Shaheb Bazar Branch, and Rajshahi. The outcomes of the desk interview have assisted me to clear the critical issues of my appropriate interview questions as I formulated it by discussing with the supervisor to ensure the appropriateness of the questions for achieving my research objectives

Study Area

Proper sampling is needed for conducting good research. For conducting a good research work, it is important to select a relevant sample area. I have selected Exim Bank to evaluate its CSR that generally it plays in the society in our country. Basically my research sample areas are Healthcare service, Scholarship program for brilliant poor students, Education Promotion Scheme, Helping people affected by natural calamities, helping people in slum areas, Donation to educational institutions to setup computer lab and Beautification of Dhaka City.

Target Population

All the private banks are the target population of this study. 

Sample Size

Sample size is very important factors for getting expected result of research work. From the mentioned area, the researcher has selected 3 areas for questionnaire. The sample size of the study are employees of EXIM Bank Ltd. and ten beneficiary of the program.

Data Collection Techniques

The collection of data for this study can be classified in the following ways:

  • Primary data 
  • Secondary Data

Primary Data: The primary data are provided by Manager of EXIM Bank Limited.

Secondary Data: The secondary data have been collected from the annual report of EXIM Bank Limited, EXIM Bank Ltd. relation site of that bank, financial statement of EXIM Bank Limited,   various statistical charts and graphs, various books and journals of EXIM Bank Limited.

Data Analysis

The survey and collecting data contains relevant topics of interest in the field of CSR including general questions about the companies as well as CSR specific questions about the past, present and future of their CSR practices. The questionnaire contained quantitative as well as qualitative questions.  Qualitative and quantitative research can be seen to represent two paradigms, each historically assuming different ontology and epistemologies, assumptions, values, and philosophy underlying methods and techniques, and their use are inherent in these paradigms (Evans, 2000). 


Alam S.M Shafiul , “Corporate Social Responsibility of Multi-National Corporations in Bangladesh: A Case study on Grameenphone”, Journal of Patuakhali Science and Technology University, Vol. 02, no. 01, June 2010, Pp. 51-61.

Annual Report of EXIM BANK LIMITED 2010.

Azim M, Ahmed E &Netto DB, “Corporate Social Disclosure in Bangladesh: A Study of the Financial Sector” International Review of Business Research Papers, Vol. 7. No.2. March 2011, Pp.37-55.

Azim, MI, Ahmed S & Islam, MS, “Corporate social reporting practice: evidence from listed companies in Bangladesh”, Journal of Asia-Pacific Business, vol. 10, No. 2, 2009, Pp. 130-145.

Bala S.K and Bhowmik R.K, Statutory Amendments to the Income Tax Laws to effect the fiscal changes proposed through the national budget 2010-2011: A review, The Cost & Management, Vol. xxxviii, no. 4, July-August 2010, Pp. 5-14.

Banking Sector of Bangladesh &Corporate Social Responsibility CSR Practice by Sazzadul Islam Besser, Terry L. (1998). The significance of community to business social responsibility. Rural Sociology, 63, 412-431.

Bhattacharya, C.B. &Sen., S. (2004). Doing Better at Doing Good: When, Why and How Consumers Respond to Corporate Social Initiatives. California Management Review, vol. 47, No. 1, Fall 2009.

Corporate social responsibility, a socio policy paper June 2004 a review of the business case for corporate social.

CSR- Corporate Social Responsibility: The Context and Cases of Bangladesh Edward Probir Mondol Business Programs, International University of Business Agriculture and Technology, Bangladesh.

Table of Contents


1.1 Introduction

1.2 Background of the study

1.3 Objectives of the study

1.4 Scopes of the study

11.5 Limitations of the study


2.1 Introduction

2.2 Review of the literature

2.3 Conclusion


3.1 Introduction

3.2 Definition of method

3.3.3 Hypothesis of the study

3.4 Sample Area

3.5 Sample Size

3.6 Data collection procedure

3.7 Data process and analysis

3.8 References

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