Research Paper on Career Expectation of the Students of Business Faculty in Rajshahi University

Posted on 15th Dec 2024 12:44:47 AM Management

1.1 Introduction

Institutional business study enrollment is lower than in the early 1990s. Yet there is more demand for business study personnel and their services. If the expectations of a large portion of the entering workforce cannot be accommodated, the delivery of successful business study services may become even more difficult.

A survey was conducted among the business students at Rajshahi University. This survey will focus on the available career i,e Govt. job, Bank job, Company job, Professional degree, Teaching, NGO job, Overseas job, Politician, Business and Others. Are there significant differences between what is expected by male and female or different departments in the BBA faculty in Rajshahi University?

1.2 Literature Review

The literature was examined in the following categories: (1) the prospect of a rising, gender clash between male and female students, and (2) a different demographic segment entering into the business faculty in Rajshahi University.

1.3 The Rise of Women in Business Studies

Over 30% of today’s business graduates are women, and the pressure to provide a rewarding work environment becomes even more challenging. Firms that do not rise to this challenge have even more difficulty competing in a very aggressive recruiting marketplace, and the change is worldwide.

Over the past decade, the number of women who have become business graduate has more than doubled in Bangladesh. Before 2000, women accounted more or less 10% to 15% in Rajshahi University which has become now 30% or more.

1.4 Objectives of the Study

Preparation and presentation of this report contains few specific objectives. These are

  • A primary objective is to fulfill the requirement of the MBA program.
  • To achieve the difference between theoretical and practical knowledge.
  • To have an exposure on the expectation of students of business faculty.
  • To get significant knowledge about the individual career expectation of the students in Rajshahi University.

1.5 Limitations of Study

In this case, we have to depend on the various reports, journals and newspapers also. For this reason, sometimes their information is not subject related. Time is another big constraint for the study. Taking into consideration these limitations, it will not be fair to draw any significant conclusion, yet it will help the policy makers in formulating a desirable policy on career expectation of the students of business faculty in Rajshahi University.

2.1 Defining Population

In this research, the student of the Business faculty in Rajshahi University is the main population. Here business faculty contains four departments such as Dept. of Accounting & information systems, dept. of Marketing, dept of Finance & Banking and dept. of Management.         

2.2 Selection of the study area

For collecting primary data of the research, I have selected mainly four departments which are Dept. of Accounting & information systems, dept. of Marketing, dept. of Finance & Banking and dept. of Management.

2.3 Contraction of the questionnaire

Questionnaire is essential for collecting primary data of any research work. That is why; the researcher is bound to construct a set of questionnaire to collect necessary primary data of the concerned field. In this respect, the researcher considered the respondents academic qualification where BBA final year and MBA students are included in this research. For all classes of the students, I have prepared easy understandable questionnaire, so that all level of respondent can realize and reply properly.

2.4 Sampling and data collection

Sampling is essential and important part of any survey. Nowadays it is quite impossible to census survey, the whole population of a research. In this research purposive sampling has been applied for collecting necessary data. Because I would not get economical facilities from any sources and the time is very limited. Honestly speaking that first I was trying to collect data by simple random sampling but when some data are collected, there was a large amount of missing and spent many times which was not easy for me. For such kind of problem I have used purposive sampling so that purposive sampling, save time & money also. 

2.5 Data edition

After collecting necessary data, at first, I have edited those data orderly as it can be easily analyzed in computer for getting expected result of the study. Without editing it is very difficult to analyze the data properly so data editing is very important in research.

2.6 Finalization of survey affairs

After completing data editing, the primary idea of the field situation become clear to me and after that the survey affairs is analyzed for find out its weakness or mistake in this way the necessary correction is done by me and finalization the survey affairs.

2.7 Selecting of the computer program

The easiest procedure of analyzing the data is to use computer program. I have to select a suitable computer program for data entry and analyze. I have selected SPSS for windows version 17.0 programs. Sometimes I use some other package such as Microsoft Office version 2007, R version 2.9.2 etc

2.8 Processing and analyzing data

Data processing generally begins with editing and coding of data. At first, I de-coded entire questionnaire according to the predetermined code plan and entry them into the computer by the SPSS software version 17.0. I have analyzed different type of table, such as frequency table, cross table, and others necessary tables by this software and other software which are needed. I have used different test statistics to test the validity of significance of our data for quick assessment.

2.9 Problem in collecting data

Actually data collection is not an easy task; there is immeasurable problem of university students that they have not a specific class schedule. When teacher wants to take class then students come to department. So this is also a great problem. And the main problem occurred that students are not interested to respond and they also are not realized the practical purpose of the study. Many of them did not response all the questions for sake of their time and fair of harassment. So there are various difficulties in collecting data from these students.

2.10 Limitation of the study

The main objective of the research is to find out the true which is hidden and has not been discovered as yet. Each research study has its own specific purpose. But it is always impossible to remove all of the limitations and these are as follows:

  • The time and the cost are not sufficient for this study. Non-sampling errors may arise for this.
  • Only the students of Business Faculty in Rajshahi University are included this study. The students of other University are omitted.  
  • 50% students come from department of Accounting & Information Systems.  

2.11 Methodology

A questionnaire was designed to gather the demographic data as well as data related to the career expectation of the students of business studies. The data represent responses from the population of Business Faculty students in Rajshahi University. Responses from a printed questionnaire and a direct interview were combined. The gender composition was 35% female and 65% male i,e 41 respondents were female out of 120 and 89 respondents were male out of 120 respondents.

The preferences and expectation items were presented on a 5-point likert scale (5: strongly expected, 4: expected, 3: neither expected nor unexpected, 2: unexpected, 1: strongly unexpected). Some of the hypotheses being tested are such that the sample size can be considered sufficient. In testing hypotheses that are conditioned by gender and departments, our effective sample sizes were small. Due to the fact that our variables of interest are being measured on an ordinal scale, and due to the fact that the sample sizes are small, nonparametric statistical methods have been used.

2.12 Theoretical Framework

I have selected nine major expected careers such as 1. BCS (Govt. job), 2. Bank job, 3. Company Job, 4. Professional degrees i,e Chartered Accountant, Cost and Management Accountant etc, 5. Teaching i,e Teaching in Non Govt. Institutions, 6. Overseas job i,e jobs in Multinational Companies, 7. Jobs in Non-Government Organizations, 8. Operating business i,e sole trader ship, partnership, company, 9. To be a politician. The purpose of my study is to find out the majority percentage who expect to the above careers. To find out the difference between the male and female students and whether there is any relation between the father’s occupation and the career expectation of the students?


The demographic make-up of business students is dramatically changing. This study sets out to measure how well the business profession is ready to accommodate what may be very different needs and expectations of this new generation of students. Non business students are becoming more and more of the business students because there are more and more job opportunities of the business students. Historically BBA faculty was a male dominated faculty but it is now becoming both male & female dominated. Now more or less 30% female and 70% male are studying in this faculty in Rajshahi University. The enrollment in some universities in business faculty is even more skewed with women in Bangladesh. The conclusion is made that the demographic make-up of the students entering into the business study faculty is undergoing profound and permanent change. Female will make up a significant segment of business related employment. An important part of this study involves ‘behavioral faculty’ research. 


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1.1 Introduction

1.2 Literature review

1.3 Rise of women in business studies

1.4 Objectives of the Study

1.5 Limitations of the study


2.1 Defining population

2.2 Selection of the study area

2.3 Construction of questionnaire

2.4 Sampling and data collection

2.5 Data edition

2.6 Finalization of survey affair

2.7 Selection of computer program

2.8 Processing and data analyzing

2.9 Problem in data collection

2.10 Limitation of the study

2.11 Methodology

2.12 Theoretical framework


3.1 Introduction

3.2 Frequency table of students are selected from different departments

3.3 Frequency table of student’s guardian occupation

3.4 Frequency table of strongly expected career by male and female

3.5 Frequency table of expected career by male and female

3.6 Frequency table of neutral career by male and female

3.7 Frequency table of unexpected career by male and female

3.8 Frequency table of strongly unexpected career by male and female

3.9 Frequency table of strongly expected career by four departments

3.10 Frequency table of expected career by four departments

3.11 Frequency table of neutral career by four departments

3.12 Frequency table of unexpected career by four departments

3.13 Frequency table of strongly unexpected career by four departments


4.1Contingency Analysis 

4.2 Association between guardian occupation and expectation of govt. job

4.3 Association between departments and expectation of govt. job

4.4 Association between departments and expectation of bank job

4.5 Association between departments and expectation of company job





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