Project Paper on Network of LAN and WAN Hardware Design & CCTV Camera Implementation

Posted on 24th Nov 2024 10:33:50 PM CSE


Thanks go to Almighty Allah to thanks forgive me an opportunity to complete the project work. It is a depth of gratitude and obvious duty to express my obligation to my honorable supervisor Sarhan Wasif, North Bengal International University, Bangladesh for his continuous, cordial and constructive guidance, advice, encouragement and every possible help throughout the project work.

Also my deepest gratitude goes with the all teachers of CSE department, who have contribution to my study in any way. I am too much grateful to my family members for their Mental, economical support and inspiration throughout my life. I am also much thankful to all of my classmates and friends especially for their encouragement.

I would also like to thank the various creators of the websites and books I poured over while Searching for more information on both the field and to make projects. Although unnamed, your contributions cannot be denied. I would like to thank the folks out there at LAN and WAN Network for developing the network . The things you can do local and WiFi make Network. I am too much grateful to my Dept. of CSE for giving me a creative environment to develop this successful project.

Presentation by-

Md. Rashedun Nabi Iqbal Junoon
ID No. 19113337
North Bengal International University


This is to certify that the project paper entitled "Network of LAN and WAN Hardware Design & CCTV Camera Implementation" submitted by Md. Rashedun Nabi Iqbal Junoon ID: 19113433007 has been carried out under my supervision. This project has been prepared in partial fulfillment of the requirement for degree of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering.



Sarhan Wasif
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
North Bengal International University

External Examiner-

Md. Iftekhar Hossain
Lecturer & Coordinator
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
North Bengal International University



This project is aimed to measure the ease use of a network diagram LAN/WAN implementation particularly To help users to create a network diagram for multiple reasons. The aim of this project is also to find out if This can LAN/WAN help them learn more about the general aspects of computer networking. For example, The devices, the physical or logical aspects of a computer network, as well as network topologies. A set of Questionnaire will be made and then distributed to students of Questions covered will be how fast they can Easily learn the use of this network , can they understand most of its functions and whether from their Experience, they can gain more knowledge of basic networking. Number of students will be from 10 to 30And will be comprising of any students in Unseal. Results of the questionnaire will be used as data to form a Statistical analysis of how. Findings Results can show whether this LAN/WAN Network is useful to help University students learn and gain more knowledge of computer networking. Thus whether the Network Research Implication From this project, we may have a better understanding on how Network introduced Will easy for them to use and how technology can help students learn faster. Maybe from this research, Future education may include more of By using this Network, users can create a better looking diagram Easily and even help them plan a good layout before implementing a real physical network.


The network is designed with LAN and WAN Where we first connected the Splicer Machine with optical fiber. The router is then configured by connecting the router. Let's provide the network where LAN and WAN are connected .Let's connect the switch and provide The network. With CCTV camera setup such as DVR machine converter with LAN cable then connect to CCTV camera we are through Output recorder and the monitor can record all the information. And to video Chapter Using these Hard ware we have Implemented Network of LAN and WAN Hardware Design & CC TV Camera.

Chapter-1: Introduction

1.1 Introduction to Network

A network is a collection of computers, servers, mainframes, network devices, peripherals, or other devices connected to allow data sharing. An example of a network is the Internet, which connects millions of people all over the world.

1.2 Introduction to project

If the reader has read the introduction provided for a basic and Brief understanding of networking, he may wonder about the devisees, and the way the devices are arranged to from a network. Is the Hospital Management System being most important in network provided security and data store and data transfer? Hospital Management System are large system in network and divided in many section like, administration, Reception account, and many other section in our project. Project are design

1.3. Project Details

Give the below Project details-

1. Network access to provided private and publicly Any Office
2. Network access for all the and Shop and Others Company
3. Special connection for the Reception, and the Bank in Office.(like Wi-Fi connection)
4. And whole network is control in sever room in office.
5. Temporary Network access for the client and users
6. Access to Provided CCTV Camera private company
7. Access for Any University, and Hospital
8. CCTV Camera access all shop and Server Room.

1.4. Introduction to Network of LAN WAN

A Local Area Network (LAN) is a private computer network that connects computers in small physical areas.

Example: A small office, A Single building, multiple buildings inside a campus etc. Wide Area Networks (WAN) is type of computer network to connect offices which are located in different geographical locations.

1.5. Aim and Objectives

The aim of this project is a design and simulation of an enterprise network using packet tracer. The design is based on the hierarchical architecture with a model secondary as a case study. The objectives of the study are follow:

a) Design and simulation of an enterprise network, with a model as a case study using packet tracer.

b. Configuration of network devices and evaluation of point-to-point connection

1.6 Problem Statement

When network devices communication with many other devices, the workload required of the CPUs on the devices can be burdensome. For example, in a large switched network, broadcast packet are burdensome and capacity planning within the network and reducing wasted bandwidth. Network management responsibility and network management system should be distributed to the different layers of a modular network architecture to control management costs.

1.7 Methodology

In order to design and implement a Hierarchical Model of an Enterprise Network the following methodology was used:

a) Conceptualizing the ideas.
b) Designing the Network Architecture.
c) Configuration of Device in accordance to topology.
d) Use of dynamic host configuration protocol.
e) Network troubleshooting.

1.8 Project Outline

1. Here describes the entire project’s content shortly
2. Describe introduction about network, project, scope and mythologies used.
3. Mostly dealt with the literature review where the fundamental concepts were carried out.
4. Designing and implementation in this project .Chapter 4Extensive simulation and network
5. Troubleshooting including their various results are presented.

1.9. Conclusion

In conclusion, a network is two or more computers connected together using a telecommunication system for the purpose of communicating and sharing resources. As you can see, Networks have many benefits to the end user. Weather your Network is Wired or Wireless, Networks are an important part of technology. Now that we've discussed some of the major components of networks and TCP/IP, you have the necessary background to examine the more critical issues of security in a converged environment. Knowing how networks are built gives you a better understanding of what physical or logical vulnerabilities are introduced by choosing one particular network design over another. Knowing how packets are formed gives you a better understanding of how they can be crafted or modified to achieve a specific purpose. Knowing how packets are transmitted and delivered gives you a better understanding of what can happen to packets as they travel from source to destination. A good understanding of the basics of networking and TCP/IP is critical to identifying, understanding, and correcting vulnerabilities in your converged environment.

Chapter-2: Literature Review

2.1 Network Design

This is a network design of a hospital management system(Reference by Sheba Hospital). In this system was not totally fulfilled. The security of the design is very poor. The network design is to follow the flowchart poor structured engineering principles as listed below:

2.2 Hierarchy

Hierarchical Network Management Architecture LAN WAN With a hierarchical architecture, multiple installations of management systems are used to monitor the whole network. Each management system is installed at a NOC that is responsible to monitor a geographical or administration region / domain, i.e. it is a Domain Manager

2.3 Modularity

The model Modularity allows some degree of segregation between different parts of the network and has been suggested to be a prerequisite for the Evalu ability of biological systems. In technology, modularity defines a clear division of tasks and it is an explicit design target in LAN WAN System

2.4 Flexibility

The ability to modify portions of the network, add new services, orincr ease capacity without going through a major fork-lift upgrade are key considerations to the effectiveness designs. The structured hierarchical design inherently provides for high degree of flexibility because it allows staged or gradual changes to each module in the network fairly independently of the others.

2.5 Resilience

A computing infrastructure that provides continuous business operation (i.e., highly resistant to disruption and able to operate in a degraded mode if damaged), rapid recovery if failure does occur, and the ability to scale to meet rapid or unpredictable demands.

We examine the role of macroeconomic fluctuations, asset market liquidity, and network structure in determining contagion and aggregate losses in an admiration, reception, financial system.

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