Measuring Customer Satisfaction towards the Mobile Phone Services in Bangladesh: A Comparative Study between Grameenphone and Banglalink

Posted on 2nd Nov 2024 01:14:05 AM Marketing

1.1. Introduction

Human is a social being. He/she cannot live without the interaction with others. Interaction may be with the nearest entity or with the entity that is in long distance. It is not necessary to have any vehicle to communicate with the nearest entity. But it is necessary to have any vehicle to communicate with the entity that is in long distance. Cell phone is such a vehicle that made the communication easier. It is one of the important wonders of modern science. The contribution of this technology has changed the life style as well as standard of living the society. If a customer wants to communicate with his/her desired person, he/she can do it by cell phone with in a very short time. Since we are conducting a study on the mobile industry so, we mean we should have clear idea regarding a cell phone. We can define the cell phone in below way. 

“Cell phone is device or hardware or an input or output device that is used to transmit data and voice from one place to another.” That means it is a standard system for transmitting analog signal in the country. It is based on the initial electromagnetic radiation spectrum allocation for cellular service. The service those are provided by the company through this device is called the mobile phone service.

The present world is the world of information technology. Mobile phone is the revolutionary invention of science. This mobile has enriched our communication network. It is possible to communicate from one corner to another by its contribution. At the beginning Telegraph was only one medium of communication. Alecgunder invented telephone in 1976. As a result, it has been possible to send the human voice to the remote. Electronic sign is flowed through the wire of both the telegraph and the telephone. At the beginning of the last century wireless was invented by Marconi occurred revolutionary change in the communication. Consequently the necessary of adding wire by receiving and transferring not needed. In case of telephone, it is set up one place which is not transferable. So, it occurs problem. In this situation mobile phone takes the place of telephone to overcome the problem. My topic is on the customer satisfaction of mobile phone users. So we should have knowledge about the customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction. Customer satisfaction or dissatisfaction is that it is a comparison of customer expectation with perception regarding actual service encounter. (K. Douglas Hoffman). Here customer expectations are beliefs about service delivery that function as standard or reference points against which performance is judged. Customer perceptions are the actual achievement of the customer after or at the time of service encounter. 

So, when the customer expectation matches with the customer perception and products performance then it is called the customer satisfaction and when the customer’s expectation does not match with the customer perception and product’s performance then it is called the customer dissatisfaction. 

In case of future purchase, customer satisfaction acts as a main factor. A satisfied customer purchases the product further time and also influence another to purchase it. But in case of dissatisfaction the customer overlooks the company and also shows negative attitude to other perspective buyer about that company’s product. A marketer has to be conscious about the right level of customer’s satisfaction. If the satisfaction level is low then only the customers will be satisfied but the customers won’t be able to attract other customers. So, satisfied customers are the assets for the company. 

According to the marketing concept buyer is the king or queen. In this competitive marketing stage it is not possible to maximize profit and conduct the organization successfully for a longtime without ensuring the satisfaction of the customer. So, according to marketing concept, the main objective of the organization is to convert a buyer in to a constant buyer through customer’s satisfaction and maximizing profit. 

“Mobile phone service” is another name of silent revaluation in Bangladesh. It is keeping important role in removing the digital device. Mobile phone is contributing active role in receiving and sending information in the villages. Bangladesh enters the mobile world through the city cell company in 1993. Later Grameenphone, Aktel and Sheba got license from the government. In starting time the cost of a connected mobile phone required huge amount for a mobile holder. Mobile phone was like a dream among the normal or middle income group from 1993-1996. 

General Information about all Operators:

Name of Company Date of Starting Ownership
City Cell 01.08.1993

50% Pacific Group

50% Far East Telecom

Aktel 25.11.1993

70% Telecom Malaysian

30% A.K. Khan

Grameenphone 12.02.1997

51% Telenor

35% Grameen Telecom

9.5% Manubini

4.5% Gono phone

Banglalink 12.02.2005

50% TRI (Malaysian)

50% ISL (Bangladesh)

Teletalk 31.05.2005 Bangladesh Government
Warid 10.05.2007 Arabian Company

Source: Internet Searching and internal report of mobile company. 

From the above table, it is shown that Grameenphone and Aktel started their service within a same year. As a result competition was increased and the price of set connection line (SIM) and call rate were decreased. So the middle income customers were able to buy and use cell phone gradually. Day by day the interest of the customers towards the mobile phone is increasing. 

From the above discussion it can be said that the mobile industry of Bangladesh is very attractive. For this reason the number of mobile company is increasing through the overcoming many barriers.  So government should extend conducive hand to rapid growth of mobile sector in Bangladesh. 

1.2. Importance of the Study

In the sophisticated digital age, the importance of the development of mobile industry is under description for the rapid economic development of the country. It is precondition to have well improved communication infrastructure for the rapid development of a country. The mobile industry is one of the vital and important parts of the communication industry. Basically the economic development of the country depends on the development of trade and commerce of the country. On the other hand the development of trade and commerce depends on the mobility and communication ability of trade and commerce. The mobility of trade and commerce depends on the developed communication system. So, it is the fair arms to have well improved communication system for the economic development of the country. In this sense, mobile phone plays important role for the communication development of the country. If we focus our eyes towards the trade and commerce of Bangladesh; we concisely enjoy how much they are benefited due to the mobile phone introduction in Bangladesh. Not only trade and commerce, we can observe the change of personal life due to the mobile phone services in Bangladesh. The business men are able to maintain their business from one corner to another of the country due to involvement of mobile phone in Bangladesh. Now it is the age of information technology. In this age mobile phone is being used highly as a medium of communication in Bangladesh. Mobile phone is keeping active role in transferring information from are corner to another of Bangladesh. It is the contribution of the mobile phone to keep balance development between urban and rural area of Bangladesh. Due to the mobile phone it has been possible to reduce the distance between the town and the village of Bangladesh. As a result of inventing mobile phone, in case of communication a revolutionary change occurred in communication system. Consequently communication among people has been easy. 

Long-term maximizing profit through customer satisfaction is the main objective of the marketing. To achieve those objectives, it is urgent to eliminate or meet the need of the customer. More over to satisfy the customer, it is essential to have updated information regarding a customer. Due to the mobile phone service, it has been possible to know the updated information regarding a customer through the maintaining customer data base. 

From the above discussion, I mean we are able to present how much my study is significant for the country. I mean in the present situation of Bangladesh, this study is very suitable and very relevant. Moreover, we can show the significance of the study from the view point of company, customers, employee, society and government of the country. They are described in below: 

1.2.1. From the View Point of Company

From this study company can know the contribution of their existing policy and strategy. That means by their existing policy and strategy how much customers are satisfied and dissatisfied can know through this study. That means, from this study company can measure the satisfaction level of the customer. More over from this study mobile company can know the causes of satisfaction and dissatisfaction of the customer. Mainly what factors are responsible for being dissatisfaction and satisfaction of the customer can know from this study. Since it can identify the defect factors so, it is possible to overcome that defects and satisfy the customer properly. This study will ensure the long-term maximum profit of the company. Since this study will help the company to find out the factors and what factors comparably strong than the competitors and what factors comparably week than the competitors. That means this study is very helpful to compete with the competitors and capture the market share of the competitor. From this study company can know the accurate number of satisfied and dissatisfied customer. Moreover it is also very helpful to find out the considerable factors of the customer to purchase a SIM card from the company. So, company can satisfy the customer by arranging that attributes with their services. Again this study will help the company to control and motivate their employees. Because different employees are responsible for the particular services. So, we can say that the importance of this study from the view point of company is indispensable. 

1.2.2. From the view point of customer

Here customer means mobile user. From this study customer will know what factors are related to the mobile phone services. What services actually delivered by the using mobile company and what service actually delivered by another operators. Through the study customer will be able to know about the company’s existing policy and strategy. Customers can get the benefit if company takes corrective measures about their satisfaction. After conduction this research work companies have a good scope to change their policy for the customers. If the problems are solved, customers can talk with minimum or reasonable call rate. Through this study the users of the mobile phone will be able to know the macro service performance of the companies especially about product, price, place and different sides of promotion. The customers also will be informed the present attitude of the companies to the customer about more satisfaction and also about the companies policy. The problems related with 4ps and others in using mobile phone by the customers at present have been tried to present and the necessary remedial also tried to be presented in the study. 

At the end of the discussion I can play my opinion that from this study customer will be benefited more than the competitors. Researcher means this study mainly emphasis on the customer satisfaction. Since company knows the satisfaction level of the customers and takes remedial action to dissatisfy into satisfy for the welfare of the customer. As a result, if the companies take steps to solve the problems then the customers will get direct advantages. So, at the end of the discussion, we can say that this study also play an important role for the benefit of the customer. 

1.2.3. Form the View Point of Society

We discussed in above that it is the precondition for the economic development of the country to have well communication infrastructure. Mainly mobile industry plays a vital role for the economic moreover society development of the country by arranging communication facilities. Now mobile phone is giving shelter for leading easier life to the people of society. Social interaction is possible due to the availability of mobile industry. So, this study will help the society to aware the customer about the services delivered by the company. This study also helps the society to know the comparative advantages and disadvantages of Grameenphone and Banglalink. Since this study helps the company to satisfy the customers and show the way to develop the mobile industry. If the mobile phone industry is developed, society will get benefit by better service at minimum cost. The rapid expansion of mobile companies can increase the living standard of people of society. More people can involve themselves with cell phone. The development of cell phone sector creates varieties of employment opportunity in short time. As a result, unemployment problem will be able to remove. The study will also help to the company to do society related activity. Many jobs opportunities are created in the cell phone companies. The literate unemployment problem can be solved. At present the mobile phone companies are engaging themselves in social activities and extending their activities such as they have taken steps to protect environment and ensure the security and health of the society. So at the end of the discussion we can say that the study has important significance from the view point of society. 

1.2.4. From the view point of Government

Researcher means this study not only benefited the company and customer or society but also helps to the government for taking proper steps for the welfare of the country. From this study government will know the main problems of the mobile industry. What factors create problems to the mobile company government can know from this study. Moreover from the study government can know the contribution of mobile company to satisfy the customers. To satisfy the customers and the society now mobile companies are engaging for the social welfare activities. These are the part of government contribution. Moreover, every year mobile companies give huge amount tax to the government that is the revenues sources of the government.  So this study will help the government to conduct the country properly. Moreover, this study helps the government to know the overall general information of the mobile industry in the country. Without the main mobile companies many related companies are involved with the mobile companies. They are giving the value added services. They also pay tax to the government. Government also plays the vital role to develop the mobile industry of the country by reducing import duties and tariff. So at the end of the discussion, we can say that this study plays important role from the view point of government. 

Therefore from the above discussion and knowing the significance from different viewpoints and considering all the situation of the country we can play our opinion that at present this study is very relevant rational and indispensable. 

1.3. Review of Relevant Literature

Sk. Akram Uddin (2005) measured the customer satisfaction of cell phone user on Dinajpur and Rangpur district. He has measured the satisfaction level on  only five factors card duration, call rate, network coverage, t & t facility and bill payment system, of all the mobile operators of Bangladesh. 

Md. Shariful Islam (2003) found out the attitude and policies of the mobile phone companies about customer satisfaction. He has emphasized only the policies of mobile phone companies for customer satisfaction. 

Rafat Rahman (2003), worked on measuring customer satisfaction level on Eastern Bank Ltd. He has developed that customer satisfaction depends on-

1. Modern equipment of the bank 

2. Sincerity of employees of the bank 

3. Satisfaction of employees of the bank

4. The behaviors of employees. 

Md. Shah Azam (2005) has measured the attitude towards the general insurance services and contrasting the public and private sectors in Bangladesh. 

Md. Enayet Hossain (2005) has measured the customer attitude for high involvement product like Color Television (CTV). He has found out some factors that influence to satisfy the customer. 

Md. Nural Amin (2003) measured the consumer attitude towards the cigarette brands in Bangladesh. He mainly measures the significance differences for a specific attribute against competitors. 

Nazrul Islam et al (2001) measured the job satisfaction of Bank officers in Bangladesh. He has explained mainly three issues-

1. Relative importance of job satisfaction. 

2. The impact of bank type, work experience, age and sex difference on the attitudes toward job satisfaction. and 

3. Differentiate the level of satisfaction between private and public bank officers in Bangladesh. 

1.4. Objective of the Study

Objective means the target things for which certain efforts or works are done or performed. There may be single objective or a lot of objectives. So, the objectives should be identified firstly and on the basis of objectives or with a view to achieve that objectives the plan is designed and next steps are taken to implement the outline about the objectives. At the time of this study I have determined some objectives so that it is possible to conduct my study properly. The main objective of my study is to measure the customer satisfaction towards the mobile phone services in Bangladesh. With this main objective I have some below important objectives: 

1. To find out the products and services provided by the mobile companies in Bangladesh.

2. To determine the factors those influence the choice of a company by the customer. 

3. To determine the level of satisfaction regarding various factors related in mobile phone services. 

4. To measure the customer attitudes toward the various factors related in mobile phone services. 

5. To measure the significance difference for the particular factors between Grameenphone and Banglalink mobile company. 

6. To provide recommendation to solve the problem. 

1.5. Limitation of the Study

In undertaking the research program, the researcher has faced various problems. The researcher has become capable to overcome some of those problems. But some problems still exist in the study that is not possible to overcome by the author. Thus the study has some limitations. These are as follows: 

1.5.1. Limitation Related with Time

It is needed at least 6 months to conduct the study properly without attaining the class. Whereas I have gotten 3 months times with maintaining our classes. For this reason, researcher could not be able to collect data from the different regions of the country to perform my research work properly. 

1.5.2. Limitation Related with Lack of Adequate Amount of Money

To complete any research work hand some money must be needed. So, as 1 am a student, it is difficult for me to manage sufficient amount of money for this research work. So researcher has faced financial problem. 

1.5.3. Limitation Related with Respondent

To collect primary data researcher used some respondents, most of them are students in university level. Though they come from different corners of Bangladesh, but only the students are not mobile user. Most of the time they remain busy for their academic business. So researcher faced problems to collect data from them. 

1.5.4. Limitation of Sample Size

We know that if the sample size is large then it will be more representative to the population and research work will be more reliable. It wouldn’t be possible due to time shortage and financial crises. 

1.5.5. Limitation Related with the Data collection from the company

The employees of the company are very busy with their duty. Due to unofficially collecting data and having busy of the employee’s researcher faced problem to collect data from the company. 

1.5.6. Limitation Related with Experience

As a student my experience is limited. For this reason, I think I am not able to obtain accurate information. Though researcher faced the above problem, but tries all his level best to conduct the study properly and developed better actual result by eliminating the above problems. And it will be helpful to measure the satisfaction level of the customer for the mobile company.

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