Management Project Report on General Banking System and Overall Performance Analysis of Uttara Bank PLC

Posted on 28th Oct 2024 01:13:55 AM Accounting


In the modern time the economic activities have been enlarged greatly. Now it is very much developed and sophisticates. These activities are opening various new aspects of the development. Banking sector is one of the basic parts of the world economy. It is also true in the case of Bangladesh.

In Bangladesh there is a lot of commercial banks and Uttara Bank is one of the most popular and healthy bank in Bangladesh. Uttara Bank PLC is a familiar member of our domestic banking sector. So our economic development depends with sum extent on the financial activities of Uttara Bank PLC Here we should evaluate the general banking system of Uttara bank PLC


Executive MBA program consists of 4th semesters. After the completion of 4th semesters there is a management project program to bridge the theoretical and practical aspects of the learning. Actually this program guides how academic achievements are implemented in practical field. So I have been assigned to the general banking system of Uttara Bank PLC (PLC).

A management project program is very important and essential tool in case of acquiring practical knowledge of real business and professional platform of a student. The completeness of theoretical knowledge basically depends on the practical knowledge and work.

A management project also gives an opportunity to implement the theoretical knowledge into practical perspective. This program can give teaching for increasing the business effectiveness and efficiency in real business world.

The report has been prepared as a requirement of the internship program. The report was based on “General Banking System and Overall Performance Analysis of Uttara Bank PLC”. My organization supervisor was Mr. ABC, Assistant General Manager of PLC Shaheb Bazar Branch, Rajshahi and my institution supervisor is Professor Mr. XYZ, Department of Accounting & Information System, University of Rajshahi and my institute supervisor approved the report topic, which was decided for doing the report. The report will definitely increase the knowledge of other students to know the banking industry of Bangladesh, and the various services of Uttara Bank PLC provided to sustain as leading commercial private bank in Bangladesh.

The topic of my report is “General Banking System and Overall Performance Analysis of Uttara Bank PLC Branch”. I have tried with my best to evaluate the general banking and financial performance of Uttara Bank PLC Because there is a lot of banks are available in our country that provides various Product and services to the customers. So for surviving in the market the banker should have to offer some competitive advantages. And before it, they should know the problems faced by the customer. 


1. To achieve a clear idea about the general banking and it’s various activities of Uttara Bank PLC

2. To focus on the different products and services of PLC which they are currently provided to the customers.

3. To know about different account opening producer.

4. To know about local and foreign remittance.

5. To know about the commission charge about PLC.

6. To examine the management efficiency.

7. To find out problem and prospects of general banking and loan and advance department of PLC, Rajshahi Branch.

8. To give suggestion for improving its performance.

These are the objective of my report. I have tried with my best so that report can fulfill these objectives properly.


Uttara Bank PLC has a greater importance to our economy. So it is very essential to evaluate its financial performance for the improvement of its contribution. Uttara Bank PLC is operated with so many branches all over the country.

This study includes the following aspects of -

1. 1 General banking department of PLC.

2. Foreign exchange of PLC.

3. The various banking products and services of PLC 


As usually, the purpose of the research work, we have, like any other social science subjects follow a specific methodology. The methodologies followed in the social science research are:

The historical method, the comparative study method, the case method, the observation, inference method, the interview and survey method, the library work method, the statistical approach method etc. Actually in practice a combination of two or more methods are taken into consideration for designing a more meaning and purposive study. In our present study we have also followed a combination of three such methods i.e. the library work, the interview and the observation methods.


Collected data for this study can be classified in the following ways

1. Primary data

The primary data are provided by Assistant General Manager of Uttara Bank PLC Shaheb Bazar Branch, Rajshahi. 

Primary data collection by: 

a) Face to face conversation with the bank officers. 

b) Face to face conversation with the clients. 

c) Practical work exposures from the different desks of bank. 

d) Relevant file study as provided by the officers concerned. 

2. Secondary data

Those types of data have been collected from Annual report of Uttara bank PLC 

a) Periodicals pPLCished by the Bangladesh Bank. 

b) Different pPLCication regarding banking business. 

c) The website of Uttara Bank PLC

d) Annual report of different years. 


Uttara Bank PLC has 211 branches operating all over the country. As the branch represent the all over activities of a bank and I have been working in Shaheb Bazar Branch so I have select this branch as a sample and also considering the followings:

· It is easy to communicate.

· Data collection with in a shorter period.

· It requires minimum convince expenses.


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1.1 Introduction

1.2 Origin of the Report

1.3 Objectives of the Study

1.4 Scope of the Repot

1.5 Method and Sources of Information

1.6 Type’s of Data and their Sources

1.7 Selection of the Sample Firm



2.1 About the Bank

2.2 Management of Uttara Bank PLC

2.3 Organizational Structure of the Uttara Bank PLC

2.4 Objectives of the Uttara Bank PLC

2.5 Functions of the Uttara Bank PLC

2.6 Modernization of the Uttara Bank PLC

2.7 Performance Trend of Uttara Bank

2.8 About the Branch

2.9 Man Power of the Branch at a Glance

2.10 Product and service of Uttara Bank

2.11 Major Item of Loan Disbursement



3.1 Introduction

3.2 Cash Transaction

3.3 Process of Receiving and Payment Cash

3.4 Disbursing Cash    

3.5 Remittance

3.6 Account Opening

3.7 Issuing Cheque Book

3.8 Transfer of an A/C to another Branch

3.9 Closing of an A/C

3.10 Closing Process of Current & Saving A/C

3.11 Interest Rates against Different Deposits

3.12 Comparison between Theory and Practice 

3.13 Remittance Services

3.14 Commission and Charges for Different Remittance Services

3.15 Bills and Clearing

3.16 Monitoring System of PLC General Banking Activities



4.1 Introduction

4.2 Reasons of Satisfactory Performance of PLC

4.3 Performance Analysis



5.1 Introduction

5.2 Types of Loans and Advances

5.3 Loan Classification and Provisioning

5.4 Approaches to Recovery Loans and Advances     



6.1 Local L/C Opening & Negotiating

6.2 Precondition to Open L/C

6.3 Precautions Taken by Officer before Issuing L/C

6.4 Procedure for Opening and Executing a Local L/C

6.5 Deviations between Theory and Practice in Local L/C

6.6 Stop Payments

6.7 Traveler’s Cheque

6.8 Letter of Guarantee (L/G)

6.9 Difference between Theory & Practice

6.10 Extra Essential Documents for Foreign L/C

6.11 Return to Bangladesh Bank



7.1 Introduction

7.2 Profit Making Trends of PLC

7.3 Reasons of the Better Performance of the Branch

7.4 Some Problems of Uttara Bank PLC



8.1 Summary

8.2 Recommendations

8.3 Conclusion




Table - 1 The total manpower of the Bank in different grades

Table - 2 Amount of deposits of the bank

Table - 3 Components of analysis 

Table - 4 Indicators of analysis

Table - 5 Amount of loan and advance of the bamk

Table - 6 Profit making trends of the bank



Figure - 1 % of Human Resources

Figure - 2 Bar Diagram of Deposit Trends of PLC

Figure - 3 Bar Diagram of Advance Trends of PLC

Figure - 4 Bar Diagram for Profit Making Trends of PLC

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