Posted on 17th Oct 2024 04:30:17 PM Accounting
1.1 Definition of Internship
Internship is an assigned work performed usually at the end of a course curriculum. The goal of internship is to apply one’s theoretical knowledge in practical fields. Thus internship is a pragmatic application of knowledge and achieving practical experience by engaging one self in different and distinct sectors of work.
So, internship or practical training is a technique often acquiring practical knowledge. For this reason on Internship is the most important for gaining practical knowledge.
1.2 Rationale of Internship Program
Goods and services are produced for the purpose of using in daily life. Similarly, theoretical knowledge is acquired for the purpose of applying in the practical life. The propensity of application of theoretical knowledge in practical life successfully internship program is absolutely necessary, because theoretical knowledge will be fruitful if it can be applied in the practical life. When we can implement the theoretical knowledge practically, we can say the knowledge is successful. Otherwise the achieved knowledge is valueless. Internship program is the way of implementing the theoretical knowledge practically.
However, the importance of internship may be described in the following ways:
· As internship program is the practical implementation of the theoretical knowledge, it helps to increase the quality and effectiveness of the trainer.
· We can only know the problems of an organization in directly through theoretical knowledge, but we can know the nature of the problems, problems of the various departments, methods of solving the problems through the practical training. So it is very important to identify the problems and eradicate the problems.
· The trend of all activities in an organization becomes growing through practical training.
· By internship program students can understand limitations, shortages and practicability of their knowledge and there by can take necessary action for removing these limitations and shortages.
· It mentally prepares for their professions.
· Internship program acts as a bridge between theoretical knowledge and managerial practice.
· Internship acts as a guideline during the service period.
· Through internship a student can achieve the ability to find out real problems and can make suitable solutions.
Last of all, we can say that one should give importance of an internship program.
1.3 Objectives of Internship
We can mention of objectives of internship in the following ways:
· To show guideline for searching various necessary information to solve the organizational problems.
· To add new information with established ways.
· To identify problems and recommends to solve them.
· To realize what kinds of organization can contribute to the economic development of a country.
· To determine entire actual situation of the organization is an objective of internship training.
· Another important objective of practical training is to implement the knowledge of practical training in the practical life.
· To prepare pragmatic report about entire management of organization is another objective.
· To make comprehensive solutions of problems to increase the diversification and modification of marketing.
· To show about the conditions of the Bank and its good will to the public.
· To identify managerial problems and eradicate those.
· The most important objective of practical training is to seek loan from financial institutions.
Finally, it is very easy for me to conceive of the fact that the internship program facilitates both the students and the Bank. Students can add practical knowledge with their theoretical knowledge and bank can know what is the present condition of various areas of the organization.
1.1 What is internship?
1.2 Rationale of Internship
1.3 Objectives of Internship
2.1 Prelude
2.2 Background of the Study
2.3 Objective of the study
2.4 Limitation of the Study
2.5 Methodology
3.1 Back ground
3.2 Organization Structure of Kormosanghthan Bank
3.3 Capital of Karmasangsthan Bank
3.4 Capital Structure of Karmasangsthan Bank
3.5 Operating Activities of Karmasangsthan Bank
3.6 Objectives of Karmasangsthan Bank
3.7 The Overall Performance of Karmasangsthan Bank
3.8 Monitoring and Supervision of Branch Activities
3.9 Achievement of Karmasangsthan Bank
3.10 Future prospect of Karmasangsthan Bank
3.11 Future Planning of Karmasangsthan Bank
3.12 Overview of the Rajshahi Branch
3.12.1 Location
3.12.2 Nature of Bank
3.12.3 Organization Structure of the Rajshahi Branch
3.12.4 Overall Activities
3.12.5 Loan Sanctioning project
3.12.6 Criteria and Limiting of Loan
3.12.7 Security Against Loan
3.13 Qualification of Getting Bank Loan
3.14 Take Care of Loan
3.15 Activities of the Branch
3.16 Loan Category & Classification
3.17 Advance
3.18 Savings
4.1 Meaning of Loan Disbursement
4.2 Purpose of Loan Disbursement
4.3 Policy of Loan Disbursement
4.4 Problems of Loan Disbursement
5.1 Loan Recovery Policy of the Karmasangsthan Bank
5.2 Procedure
5.3 Rules of Recovery
5.4 Recovery Problems of the Karmasangsthan Bank
5.5 How to solve the Recovery Problems
6.1 Summary of findings of the study
6.2 Recommendations
Internship, Report, Overall, Activities, Karmasangsthan, Bank, Rajshahi, Branch, Bangladesh, Capital, Organization, Structure, Loan, Disbursement, Recovery, Account, Fixed, Short, Special, Deposit, Scheme, DPS, Savings, Current, Cash, Department, Payment, Receipt, Check, Customer, Services
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