Internship Report on Customer Satisfaction of Mobile Phone : A Case Study on Rajshahi Metropolitan City

Posted on 16th Oct 2024 01:52:48 AM Marketing

1.1 Introduction of the Study

Mobile phone is the wonderful invention of the modern age. It has made the communication easier. If a customer wants to communicate with his desired person, he can do it within a short time. This sector is developed in recently. There are four mobile phone companies in Bangladesh. 

From the above table it is shown that Grameen and Aktel started their service within a year. As a result competition was increased and the price of set, connection line (SIM) and call rate were decreased. So, it was tolerable for the middle-income customers

But my study is on the customer satisfaction of mobile phone. So, we need to know what are the customer satisfaction and the satisfaction mobile phone customer.

Customer satisfaction depends on product perceived performance in delivering value relative to a buyer’s expectation. If the product cannot serve as the expectation of buyer, he becomes dissatisfied. If the service of the product matches or exceeds with his expectation, he becomes satisfied delighted.

But the customer satisfaction of mobile means – When a mobile phone company serves its products and service according to the customer expectation and the customer becomes satisfied and delighted with the performance of the product or service; it is called customer satisfaction of Mobile Phone Company.

If the customer thinks that his mobile phone company is always conscious to give more service and facilities and it is also taking care and solving the complaints promptly, it may be cause of satisfaction of customer.

1.2 Importance of the Study

Communication is the most important factor for developing a country. It is called that good communication infrastructure is the pre-condition of development. It is very essential for business sector, without communication a business cannot run a day. Mobile phone has provided the facility to communicate with the potential and actual customers. Trade and commerce is expanded with the help of the mobile phone. It has also opened the window of business. New mobile related business has been established.

A company can do profit if he can satisfy to his customers. Communication is only a media to do that. Here mobile phone can help to the company for easy communication. For above discussed causes I can show the importance of mobile phone as under different views.

Company View Point

I think this study is very important for the mobile phone companies of Bangladesh. Because the mobile phone companies can know about the customers satisfaction and dissatisfaction about their service through the study. This study explains about the customers changing behavior and their habit. So, there is an opportunity to make the policies which will be the customer oriented.

In the changing environment the expectation of the customers is also changing day by day and they also become very much conscious about the product and service. So, they want more service and satisfaction from their respective companies. 

In this position companies has to change their product and service or innovate something new. This study may act as clue of that because it is mentioned that how to solve the dissatisfaction of the customers. This study also high light about the price, place and promotion and gives a recommendation what to do in this purpose.

So the study is the most important for the mobile phone companies for reconsidering the customer need and expectation and adapt with them.

Customer View Point

The study is also important for the customer. Customers can get the benefit if the company takes corrective actions about their satisfaction. Companies have a good scope to change their suitable polity for the customers. This benefit will get the customers. If the problems are solved, customers can talk with minimum or reasonable call rate. Customers also get 4p related benefits, because a good line in my study.

If the companies’ consider the 4p related problems, customers will be benefited in different ways such economically, mentally satisfied.

Social and National Viewpoint

A country is developed when the infrastructure of the country is developed. Mobile phone is a way of communication and a strong factor of infrastructure. Good infrastructure is a way of good communication. My study is very important because it shows how to develop the infrastructure of our county. If is developed, society will get more benefit in the communication sector. More people can involve themselves with mobile phone.

Mobile phone related business would be flourished with in a short time. As a result unemployment problem will be able to remove. The study will also help to the company to do society related activity. Many jobs opportunities are created in the mobile phone companies. The literate unemployment problem can be solved. Companies are paying a good sum as tax or VAT to the government and government is expending the money for the best welfare of the country. My study indicates how to increase the quality of service. If service quality is increase the total market will be expand and company can able to expand its market share. As a result society will be benefited.

So, my study is very important in the fulfillment of the above expectations or views.

1.3 Objective of the Study

Objective is the way of going to target. So, first objective should be selected after much consideration. Research activities are hard working activities. So, objective must be concrete. The out come of the study will be fruitful when it solves the problem and gives the direction of the problem oriented. In the current position of the mobile phone companies of Bangladesh I have selected the objectives as follows

1. To find out what types of the companies provide services. 

2. To find out attitude and policies of the mobile phone companies about customer satisfaction. 

3. To identify the nature of satisfied and dissatisfied customer.

4. To find out the causes of customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction (on the basis of product, price, place, promotion and others).

5. To find out the ways to solve the dissatisfaction. 

1.4 Limitation of the Study

My study has some limitations. Actually, I have nothing to do in this position. But I have tried to do betterment for the study but it was out of my beyond. The limitations are as follows-

Financial limitation

I am a student. So, I have no earning source of money. But a research needs a hand some amount of money. As a student I could not bear the expenses to accomplish the study properly. If there were no monetary problem, the result of the study would be more representative. 

Time limitation

Time is the great factor for conducting a study. But I have got very short time. This time is not sufficient for a research. If I have got enough time, I could do everything more correctly and consciously and the out of the study would be reasonably corrected.

Sample limitation

It is also a great factor in my study. I have taken only two metropolitan cities as a study area. But mobile phone companies are giving their service almost all over the Bangladesh. If I could take the broad area for the study, the out come of the study would be more representative. But money and time problems made me to do so.

But I think that this study is not less important in the current aspect of Bangladesh.


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1.1 Introduction of the Study

1.2 Importance of the Study

1.3 Objective of the Study

1.4 Limitation of the Study


2.1 Sample Area

2.2 Sample Size

2.3 Sample Selection Method

2.4 Data Collection Method

2.5 Questionnaires Preparation

2.6 Pretest the Questionnaire


3.1 General discussion about the product of mobile phone companies 

3.2 Providing facilities to the customers by mobile phone companies.

3.3 Attitude and policies of the mobile phone companies about customers’ satisfaction.

3.4 Nature of satisfaction & dissatisfaction of the customers.

3.5 Causes of satisfaction and dissatisfaction of the mobile phone users.

3.6 The ways of solution the dissatisfaction of customers




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