Internship Report on Accounting Information System of Agrani Bank PLC Shaheb Bazar Branch Rajshahi

Posted on 10th Dec 2024 01:08:44 AM Accounting

1.1 Introduction 

Man is a social being. From the early of the civilization, human beings are trying to read and write. They invent how to read and how to write. With the passage of time, man introduces schools, colleges and even Universities. Universities also become wider of its syllabus.

And ‘Internship’ became a part of masters program of Universities. Now internship is an assigned work performed usually at the end of MBA program. The goal of internship is to apply one’s theoretical knowledge in practical fields. Thus internship is a pragmatic application of knowledge and achieving practical experience by engaging oneself in different and distinct sectors of work. 

1.2 Rationale of the Study

There is a proverb ‘No fire without smoke’. Therefore, there are also some points to this study behind. Internship become part and parcel of any masters program. It gets more emphasis day by day. Some of its importance may be described in the following ways: 

  • As internship program is the practical implementation of the theoretical knowledge 
  • It helps to increase the quality and effectiveness of the trainer. 
  • It is very important to identity the problems and to eradicate the problems. 
  • The trend of all activities in an organization becomes growing through practical training. 
  • By internship program, students can understand their limitations and shortages and thereby they can take necessary actions for removing these limitations and shortages. 
  • It makes them mentally fit for their professions. 
  • Internship program acts as a bridge between theoretical knowledge and practical knowledge.
  • Internship acts as a guideline during the service period. 
  • Through internship, a student can find out the real problems and can make suitable solutions. 
  • To fulfill the requirement of the MBA program.
  • To learn desk wise activities in a branch of a bank. 
  • To gather knowledge about the functions of different departments.

Last of all, we can say that one should give importance of an internship program. 

1.3 Methodology of the Study

Methodology provides various strategies and techniques followed to collect data and information to solve research problem. Methodology refers to is a set of methods in a particular area of activity or research activity. It states the population, the sample size, statistical measures tools and sometimes the limitations of the study. 

Population of the Study

The Agrani Bank PLC a state owned commercial Bank has been chosen as population of the study. 


Sample is a part of the population which is selected purposively. The sample must be representative of whole population. If the sample selection is not representative, it may a give a wrong picture of the actual situation. So, it is very important to select current sample, which would represent the features of the population. With this view in mind, I have selected the Rajshahi Branch of Agrani Bank PLC.

Sources of Data

There are commonly two sources of data and information which have been used widely. They are shown and discussed below:

  • Sources of Data
  • Primary Data
  • Secondary Data

Primary Data

This report has been prepared through extensive use of primary data. The sources of my primary data are as follows:

  • Face to Face conversation with the officers and staffs of the banks. 
  • Informal conversation with the clients/customers. 
  • Practical work exposures from different desks of the Branch. 

Secondary Data

The secondary sources of data are as follows:

  • Annual Reports of Agrani Bank PLC. 
  • Various books and journals on general banking functions and their Customers services.
  • My diary maintained while undergoing the practical orientation. 

1.4 Data Collection Method and Procedure

To make the papers and to collect the data, there are many ways like sending the question paper; by sender taking personal interviews, review and survey etc. But these techniques all are not usually applied together. I have employed following techniques collecting data from Agrani Bank PLC:

  1. Through direct question paper: A question paper is made and submitted it to the officers and supervisor of worker to collect data
  2. Through personal interviews: Sometimes discussed with the officers and workers to collect my data.
  3. Investigation: Data was also collected through investigating in the various departments.

1.5 Obstacles faced by the Study

Study project is an unending process. It is also complicated. It is the first time for me to make an internship report. In this study project process each and every researcher faces a lot of problems. Like others a have also face a lot of problems. Some of them are mentioned below: 

  • Time is an important issue in data collection and report writing. It is very taught to collect my necessary information and documents with in shortest possible time. 
  • The total period for the orientation on program was 30 days and the total working day was less than that. To learn everything in details is only can be a dream. 
  • Officers are very much busy with their respective works. Many of them have truly failed to manage time to have a talk with me about his works in the desk. 
  • Some respondents were conservative. They did not want to express their opinion and most of the clients/was businessman. So it was very hard to talk with them freely.
  • Now a day’s banks are so much commercial. They really do not want to disclose their real information.
  • To compete with other banks they avoid the internees who are going their branch.
  • The officials who are working in the branch have no responsibility to provide the secret information of the branch. So they try to avoid the internees.
  • There is also a fear of retrenchment in the hearts of the officials of the bank. That is why they do not want to disclose information, which I require.
  • Therefore, due to lake of information I face a lot of problem to prepare my internship report in right time.
  • Lack of sufficient knowledge for preparing an internship report.


  1. Alam A.K.M Shabub, Application of Accounting standard in Bangladesh, ICMA Journal session June-July, Dhaka, 1993, P-53.
  2. Banerjee Bhobatosh, Cost Accounting, Sultans Chad, New Delhi, 1999.
  3. E.L. Summers, Accounting Information Systems, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1983.
  4. Francis E, more & Howard F, Accounting System for Management Control, Stettler, Penguin Prokashan, UK, 2003.
  5. Joseph w. Wilkinson, Accounting & Information System. Stettler, Penguin Prokashan, UK, 1995.
  6. Khan. M.M, Advanced Accounting (Volume-1), Ideal Prokashan, Dhaka, 1995.
  7. Kothari C.R., Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques, Second Edition, Wishwa Pakistan, New Delhi, 199.
  8. M. Omar Ali, Business Communication (Theory and Application), Dhaka, 2000.
  9. Pandey, I.M., Financial Management (7th Edition), Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 1995.
  10. Saha, A.C., Business Finance, HBH, Dhaka, 2000.
  11. Statement of Affairs of Rajshahi Branch Agrani Bank PLC, 2008 & 2009.
  12. Website of Agrani Bank.

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1.1 Introduction 

1.2 Rationale of the Study

1.3 Methodology of the Study

1.4 Data Collection Method and Procedure

1.5 Obstacles faced by the Study


2.1 Definition of Accounting

2.2 What is Information?

2.3 What is System? 

2.4 What is Accounting Information System?

2.5 Objectives of Accounting Information System

2.6 Functions in transforming data into information

2.7 Components of Accounting Information System

2.8 Nature of Accounting Information System

2.9 An overview of Accounting System in the Organization

2.10 Characteristics of Information Processing Systems

2.11 Elements of Transaction Processing

2.12 Organization of the Information System Function


3.1 An Overview of Agrani Bank PLC

3.2 Establishment and Status of the Bank

3.3 Nature of Business

3.4 Capital Base

3.5 Organizational Structure of Head Office 

3.6 Departments of Agrani Bank PLC

3.7 Branches of Agrani Bank PLC

3.8 Branches of Rajshahi Zone

3.9 An Overview of Agrani Bank PLC, Shaheb Bazar Branch

3.10 Objectives of Shaheb Bazar Branch

3.11 Organogram of this Branch

3.12 Products of Agrani Bank PLC


4.1 Financial Highlights of Last Two Years of Head Office of Agrani Bank

4.2 Owners Equity

4.3 Performance Evaluation

4.4 Income Statement of Shaheb Bazar Branch, Rajshahi

4.5 Statement of affairs Shaheb Bazar Branch, Rajshahi

4.6 Financial Performance of Agrani Bank PLC Shaheb Bazar Branch, Rajshahi 


5.1 Ledger and File

5.2 Files Processing Systems

5.3 The Relevant Reports Procedure

5.4 Various Kinds of Reports are Available in Agrani Bank PLC

5.5 The Measures which are followed to Prepare Readable Reports in Agrani Bank PLC

5.6 Accounting Principles

5.7 Accounting Standard

5.8 Users of Information


6.1 Major Findings

6.2 Conclusions

6.3 Prospects of the Bank

6.4 Recommendations

Appendix-I: Bibliography  

Appendix-Ii: Questionnaire

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