An Internship Report on Measuring Advertising Effectiveness of WALTON RB Group

Posted on 4th Nov 2024 01:02:20 AM Marketing

1.1 Definition of Internship

Internship is an assigned work performed usually at the end of a course curriculum. The goal of internship is to apply one’s theoretical knowledge in practical fields. Thus internship is a pragmatic application of knowledge and achieving practical experience by engaging oneself in different and distinct sectors of work.

1.2 Rationale of Internship Program

Goods and services are produced for the purpose of using in daily life. Similarly, theoretical knowledge is acquired for the purpose of applying in the practical life. The propensity of application of theoretical knowledge in practical life successfully internship program is absolutely necessary, because theoretical knowledge will be fruitful if it can be applied in the practical life. When we can implement the theoretical knowledge practically, we can say the knowledge is successful. Otherwise the achieved knowledge is valueless. Internship program is the way of implementing the theoretical knowledge practically.

However, the importance of internship may be described in the following ways:

· As internship program is the practical implementation of the theoretical knowledge, it helps to increase the quality and effectiveness of the trainer.

· We can only know the problems of an organization in directly through theoretical knowledge, but we can know the nature of the problems, problems of the various departments, methods of solving the problems through the practical training. So it is very important to identify the problems and eradicate the problems.

· The trend of all activities in an organization becomes growing through practical training.

· By internship program students can understand limitations, shortages and practicability of their knowledge and thereby can take necessary action for removing these limitations and shortages.

· It mentally prepares for their professions.

· Internship program acts as a bridge between theoretical knowledge and managerial practice.

· Internship acts as a guideline during the service period.

· Through internship a student can achieve the ability to find out real problems and can make suitable solutions.

Last of all, we can say that one should give importance of an internship program.

1.3 Objectives of Internship 

The specific objectives of the internship are to identify the Advertising Effectiveness of Walton. Evaluation of their Advertising performance and advances issues during the period to find out the major factors standing on the way of this field to find out the impact of this on the managerial efficiency of Public relation and media department of Walton.

However, we can mention of objectives of internship in the following ways:

· To show guideline for searching various necessary information to solve the organizational problems.

· To add new information with established ways.

· To identify problems and recommends to solve them.

· To realize what kinds of organization can contribute to the economic development of a country.

· To determine entire actual situation of the organization is an objective of internship training.

· Another important objective of practical training is to implement the knowledge of practical training in the practical life.

· To prepare pragmatic report about entire management of organization is another objective.

· To make comprehensive solutions of problems to increase the diversification and modification of marketing.

· To identify managerial problems and eradicate those.

1.4 Importance of Internship Program

Internship program facilitates both the students and the Organization. Students can add practical knowledge with their theoretical knowledge and Organization can know what is the present condition of various areas of the organization. The importance of internship program is very much required. They are as follows:

a) We know advantage and disadvantage to accomplish the theoretical knowledge.

b) The students can achieve important knowledge about some critical matter of management.

c) The students can achieve knowledge about different functions of an organization, such as administrative functions, production and selling aspects through internship.

d) To make a skill labor.

e) Internship helps find out the technique and method for solving the problem of industries.

f) After achieving practical knowledge, it acts as guideline during the service period.

g) To increase production and improve the quality of production.

h) To reduce production cost and avoiding accident.

i) To formulate policy of overall development of the industry.

j) Internship is essential to maximize income through marketing management.

k) Internship increases the efficiency and quality of the trainer because Internship is the practical implementation of theoretical knowledge.

l) Through internship we can evaluate suitable marketing system.

1.5 The Problems of Internship

Internship is long term program but our MBA programs Internship is a short term period. Actually internship needs long period of visit field of work, money, practice and internship but obviously in our country for the lack of those elements internship become impossible and as the result our knowledge remains limited in theoretical knowledge and it cannot flourish. When we to the internship program this time many part cannot help us sincerely.

Internship needs long period of visit, field of work, money, patience and inspiration but obviously in our country, for the lack of those elements internship becomes impossible and as the result our knowledge remains limited in theoretical knowledge and it cannot flourish.

We can say that without internship our academic knowledge cannot be fulfilled. By this internship our academic knowledge becomes valid. But we should also remember that academic knowledge is the basic of practical education. So every student needs necessary internship in his academic in his academic life.

2.0 Methodology

In performing any applied research, a clear and specific methodology has to be followed where:

Methodology of this study includes study area, data, collection, sample size, sampling unit etc. that are given in detail below:

2.1 Study Area

Sample area for the study is important for conducting a research work. The core of the study is to identify the promotional and product extension opportunities, and make a competitive analysis of Walton  brand at Dhaka city and Rangpur town and adjacent areas. For time and cost limitation, I could not collect data from all the places of Dhaka city. For this reason, I have chosen representative places of the Rangpur Town

2.2 Data Collection

The task of collecting of data for any research is not easy. Most important part for any study involves data collection and it is equally true that this chapter inculcates a difficult task. This is due to many obvious reasons like non availability of appropriate data at ready to use form, lack of willingness by the approached organization, non contingence on the importance of the issue, non corporation by the desks, time constraint by the desks, time constraint by the involved group etc. Again customers of hair dye also did not take it positively.

However with the tune to match the objectives out lined, the study approach was set forth to accumulate data through questionnaires. A closed schedule was therefore designed with active sample tests and finalization of schedule was done through editing and revising with consultation of supervisor, assigned to this study.

2.3 Sources of Data

There are two sources of data:

a) Primary sources: in the process, primary sources were selected as the respondents to the questionnaire; Personal interviews were conducted to collect data from the respondents by using some structured and unstructured questionnaire. Close ended questions with scaling provisions where used to about organization we furnished an open ended and closed ended questionnaire.

b) Secondary sources: The secondary sources of data collection were utilized on issues pertinent to the background, functions, activities, and other relevant information regarding the organization and these have been incorporated in the present study paper with due editing.

2.4 Sample Size and Sampling Unit

In this study the total sample size is used 100 (one hundred). Both male and female types of consumers are included in this sample size.

2.5 Sampling Method

For sampling we have used convenience sampling. Convenience sampling is non probability sampling technique that attempts to obtain a sample of convenient elements. The selection of sampling units is left primarily to the interviewer (2005). Both we have collect data through our judgment basis.    

2.6 Limitations of the Study

In the process of conducting this study, a number of problems cropped-up right from the decision on the topic and down final writing of this study. With group discussions efforts were exerted to overcome the problems and limitation as far as was possible.

a) Lack of knowledge: as a student, in the research field, I have no past practical experience of data collection, data processing, data analyzing, integrating, and presenting. So it is a limiting factor for obtain accurate information.

b) Lack of Information: Shortage of necessary data and information was one of the most important limiting factors.

c) Lack of Time: Lack of enough time, I could not gather more information to justify exact condition. The time constraints of respondents are also limiting factors.

d) Small Sample Size: the study is based on data collected from Rajshahi City. The findings of the study are likely not to represent overall situations of Rajshahi City because of the data belonging to particular area.

e) Fund Unavailability: I don’t have adequate financial support to conduct this study. I could not interview with more respondents covering the survey area.


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Chapter 1 Introduction of internship program

1.1 Definition of Internship

1.2 Rationale of Internship Program

1.3 Objectives of Internship

1.4 Importance of Internship program

1.5 The Problems of Internship

Chapter 2 Methodology

2.1 Study Area

2.2 Data Collection

2.3 Sources of Data

2.4 Sample Size and Sampling Unit

2.5 Sampling Method

2.6 Limitations of the Study

Chapter 3 About the Company

3.1 Background of the Company

3.2 Channel of Distribution

3.3 Distribution Area

3.4 Pricing Strategy

3.5 Promotional Strategy

Chapter 4 Finding the Study

4.1 Current Situation of WALTON’S Market

4.2 First Mentioned Brand Awareness

Chapter 5 Effectiveness of Advertising

5.1 Testing Advertising Effectiveness

5.2 When to Test

5.3 How to Test

Chapter 6 Testing the Advertising Effectiveness of WALTON

6.1 Way of Testing the Advertising Effectiveness of WALTON

Chapter 7 Opinion Test

7.1 Opinion Test

7.1.1 Direct Questioning Approach

7.1.2 Order of Merit Rating

Chapter 8 Attitude measurement

8.1 Attitude Measurement

8.1.1 Rating Scale

8.2.2 Pre and Post Exposure Test

Chapter 9 Brand Preference

9.1 Brand Preference Test

Chapter 10 Recognition and Recall

10.1 Recognition and Recall

10.1.1 The Recognition Method

10.2 Recall Test

10.2.1 Association Test

10.2.2 Awareness and Knowledge Test

Chapter 11 Recommendation and Conclusion

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