An Internship Report on Marketing Activities Analysis of Confectionery Product: A Case Study on Aroma Food Industries Ltd.

Posted on 15th Nov 2024 12:52:55 AM Marketing


Confectionary product is food item of modern human societies. Aroma is one of the leading manufacturers of bread and biscuits at Rajshahi division. IFDIL-Aroma supplies their product at Rajshahi division. Their product quality is standard. Aroma was also the ideal taste to develop its expertise in food technology.

IFDIL-Aroma food industries ltd is characteristics is to sell the confectionery products, produced in its leasing factory. Every firm wants to make their loyal consumer group. Each firm would like to gain maximum profit through consumer’s satisfaction. IFDIL-Aroma is going to perform well through measurable environment. Already they have gained admirable goodwill from their market.  

Objective of the Study

The main objective of the study is marketing activities analysis of confectionary products towards IFDIL-Aroma food industries ltd. in the internship program, the other objectives are as follows: 

1. To analyze the marketing activities of IFDIL-Aroma food industries. 

2. To find out the major problems and prospects of the company.

3. To give some recommendation.

Limitation of the Study

In spite of my best efforts I could not collected some of information by the required time of my study like any other empirical study. Some specific limitations are:

1. Lack of time: Due to the lack of enough time I could not gather more information to justify exact condition.

2. Time contrition of consumer: Sometimes consumers also lacked enough time.

3. Lack of experience: in many care I did not obtain accurate information, which is perhaps due to my lack of experience.

4. Data: Companies previous data are not available.

5. Money problem: Due to lack of sufficient money I couldn’t complete my research work properly.

Methodology of the Study

Source of data: the related data are collected from two sources.

i)  Primary source

ii)  Secondary source

Primary data collected by questionnaire and observation method. In questionnaire open and close form question have been listed.

Secondary data has been collected from company annual report and internal reports.

Data Collection Period: The necessary data have been collected on 15th January to 30th June 2003.

Data Collection Area or Sample Area: Companies factory and head office, Rajshahi city corporation area.

Data Processing and Analysis: By using various computers processing and analyzing all data.

Data Presentation: Using chart, graph, diagram to analysis and presentation.

Sample Method: For the proposed study convenience and judgment sampling method is applied. The population of this study is not general in type. Specific group/ persons may need to be selection as the sample for getting the needed data.

Sample Unit: sample unit consists of

i) Consumers/ customers

ii) Retailers

iii) Distributors

Sample Size: The sample sizes are as follows:

i) Consumers / customers -------- 50

ii) Retailers ------------------------ 50

iii) Distributors -------------------- 10

Company Analysis

Aroma is the largest manufacturing factory at Rajshahi division in Bangladesh among such kind of factories. It is situated at BSCIC industrial Estate, Sopura, Rajshahi area. The factory building consists of separate section like warehouse, process section which include mixing, molding, cutting, over section, quality control and packaging section, delivery section, worker refreshment center, accounts section, factory administrative section. To me3et the growing demand of the customer it was planned time to time an adequate plant layout with the help of the latest modern technologies. It was emphasized not only automatic but also appealing quality of the products. To achieve their objectives at present it has been using a full automatic machine for biscuits.

Background of the Company

IFDIL-Aroma food industries Ltd started business since 1978 in the sector of confectionary product. Their marketing activities had been going on from 1978 to 1988. At that time they had many others facilities for their production and marketing activities. Such as government facilities, political facilities and much consumer demand. But, the proprietor died at 1988. The management body of Aroma becomes weak then. So, their all activities were closed till 1988 to 1989. The new innovator restarts their business again at 1990 as will as their marketing activities continued from 1990 to 1997. But all the activities of the Aroma factory were closed since 1998 due to abuse of their raw materials. For this reason, their all activities were closed totally from 1998 to 1999.

At that time the proprietor was quit unable to prosecute his factory. So, he leased to other at 2000. It is going by the owner of leaseholder. For this reason leaseholder have to pay rent and royalty to real owner which is paid due to use resources and goodwill.            

They also get loyalty for using the brand name “Aroma” by totally paying Taka 125000 per month. Now IFDIL-Aroma is managing it and it establish a new unit under the name “Life food industries Ltd.” Besides Aroma’s factory which products are marketed under name “CIVITA”.


The mission of Aroma is as follows:

i)  Increase production.

ii) Increase sale and

iii) Earn more.

Objectives of Aroma Food Industries

There are many objectives of Aroma food industries as follows:

Aroma maintains production atmosphere in a hygienic and non-touch ability process. 

Aroma operates re-liable process. Capable of fulfilling the nutritious, minimize process variations at all times.

Aroma marketwise products and ensure health care that will ensure customers satisfaction.

Aroma maintains a program of continuous improvement by automation process.


The goal of Aroma is to maintain a total quality in all that they do, to provide of their customers with the same consistent high quality and exceptional level of services.


This paper presents an analysis of marketing activities analysis of “IFDIL- Aroma”. Both primary and secondary data has been used in this report. Major findings have been out lined and analysis. Major gapes found in the analysis are absence of Research and developments; lack of knowledge about the advertisement some fruitful suggestions that can be given to remove these gaps.

IFDIL-Aroma food industries ltd produces and markets the confectionary products (bread and biscuit) at Rajshahi Division in our country. In this report the available information are Research objectives, company analysis, SWOT analysis, and competitor analysis, finally my main focus have centered on the marketing activities analysis, problems and prospects towards Aroma have been reflected in this report.


Kotler Philip: “Marketing Management” Analysis, Planning, Control, Prentice Hall of India Private Limited, New Delhi, 9th edition-1997.

Boyd Harper. W, Westfall Ralph “Marketing Research” Text and Cases, Richard D. Irwin Inc. Home Wood Illinois, 7th edition-1994.

Cravens David W, “Strategic Marketing” Richard D. Irwin Inc. Home Wood Illinois, 3rd edition-1991.

Porter Michael E, “Competitive Strategy” Techniques for industries and competitors. The free press, A division of Macmillan Inx. New York- 1980.

Stanton William J, “Fundamental of Marketing” Mc Grow Hill International Book Company, London, 7th edition- 1984.

Kothery C. R.: Research Methodology.

Mizanur Rahman: Bazarjatkaran.

M. A. Kuddus: Vokta Acharan.


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