Posted on 8th Nov 2024 01:06:14 AM Marketing
Now a day’s Retail marketing of consumer goods played a vital role for the ultimate consumer. In the recent years volume of manufactured goods is being produced locally. Consumer goods are marketed to the consumers through the retail shops and it is true that a significant portion of it is marketed in Rajshahi City Corporation areas. Retailing practices and the efficiency of retail shops is important in a developing economy.
In Rajshahi City corporation areas, there is no up-to-date list of permanent retail shops available (which could service as a frame for sampling) and it is the basic problem of undertaking a sample survey of retail shops in the region. In this circumstance, I decided to make are sampling based on the map of Rajshahi city. I selected four sample areas on random basis. From these four sample areas shops were selected in some categories for a total sample of 45 retail shops. The method of selection was partly probabilities and partly purposive. However, age of retail shops, working hour of retail shops, ownership or the retail shops, problem faced by the retailers, cost of retailing etc. the included in the report.
Importance of the Study
There is no doubt about the importance of retail marketing. For the large-scale production. Efficient marketing and consumer acceptance of the manufactured articles is a precondition. This requires a study of the efficiency of retail marketing and consumers preference for such goods. The data from the field survey was, therefore, collected to ascertain the problems faced by the retailers and the measures needed to solve these problems to increase their relative efficiency. This aspect of our economy had been very little studied in the past, probably, because the market was a “seller market’’. But it is imperative that sooner or later we must ascertain the efficiency of our retailing system to help the manufactures to boost up their production and to help them in improving the quality and reducing the cost of these goods. Besides, the study will help to assess real structure, of retail business, characteristics and behavior of retailers in Rajshahi city corporation areas and to provide some recommendations for improving efficiency of retailing in city corporation areas.
Literature Review
To my best knowledge, none has studied or researched about retail marketing in Rajshahi City Corporation. Retail marketing in Dhaka city and retailing of consumer goods in East Pakistan were conducted by the bureau of business research in 1987 and the bureau of economic research (in1965) respectively. These researches are briefly discussed in the following:
1. Retailing of consumer goods in East Pakistan
This study was done by the research team, FAROUK, A and SAFIULLAH, M in collaboration with ALI, M; KHALED; BAQUER, A.A.M; TALUKDER, R.B. The report on the retailing of consumer goods in East Pakistan is the first attempt in the country to study some of the consequences of the rapid development of industries in Pakistan during the first and second five year plans. The objective of the study was to identify some of the marketing problems the domestic manufacturers, which are fast replacing our import of consumer goods. As the Pakistani market is a seller s market, the traders and manufacturers don’t yet feel so strongly the need of undertaking market research. But if the products are not marketed efficiently society a whole has to endure the waste, because in the development of our industries today, the country and the consumers are making large sacrifices, unknown in the days of 19th century industrial development in the west. Some of the findings of this research may have policy implication. For example, it appears that many of the elements of inefficiency in our retail marketing are beyond the control of the numerous small retailers themselves.
2. Retail marketing in Dhaka City
This research was done by A.FAROUK. Professor of marketing, Dhaka University, December 1987. Marketing problems and practices are changing rapidly in urban Bangladesh, despite our economic backwardness and poverty. This is evident from a comparison of the findings of this study with those of a nationwide study of retailing of consumer goods in the country, published in 1965, by the Bureau of Economic research.
Objectives of the study
The study was intended to attempt-
· To know the characteristics of retail shops in Rajshahi City corporation.
· To analyze the structure of retail marketing in Rajshahi City Corporation with an appraisal of organization and operative condition of the retail stores.
· An assessment of the problems faced by retailers in their day-to-day business in Rajshahi City Corporation areas.
· To give a few suggestions for the improvement of retail marketing in Rajshahi City Corporation area.
· To know the attitude and behavior to the customers of retailers of Rajshahi city.
Limitations of the Study
To get an accurate result from a report requires more reliable information. For this I have strived for collecting more and realizable data regarding the study. However this study has some limitations, which were beyond my control.
· Some of the retailers refused to give me any information and some others refused to give me answer to certain specific questions on capital, their pricing strategies and subsidiary business of the same organization. It is sorrowful that a section of our retailers did not realize the need for this kind of an effort, which would in the long run benefit them. The reasons for this are I think the facts that many of the owners of retail store illiterate.
· As data were collected mainly by questionnaire or interviewing, I wasn’t able to obtain information in as much detail as I would have liked to on certain items like profit, sales, and margin. It is therefore, possible that these are under estimates.
· Every type of retailing institution in Rajshahi City Corporation areas has not been included in it. I have concentrated only on the urban retail stores under the Rajshahi City Corporation areas.
· I compelled to choose small sample size, because of shortage of time and substantial cost collecting data for which the entire result of the report may not absolutely correct.
Retailing of Consumer Goods in East Pakistan, Bureau of Economic Research.
Retail Marketing of Dhaka City – Bureau of Business Research, 1987.
Kotler. Philip & Gray Arm Strong, Principles of Marketing 9th edition.
Importance of the study
Literature review
Objectives of the study
Limitations of the study
Methodology of the study
Data collection procedure
Findings of the study
Some characteristics of the retailers
Policies and problems of the retailers
Cost, margin and efficiency
Internship, Report, Evaluation, Retailing, Rajshahi, City, Corporation, Characteristics, Policies, Problems, Retailers, Retail, Marketing, Consumer
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