Posted on 18th Oct 2024 02:33:21 PM Accounting
1. Introduction
Bangladesh is a rural country and most of the people live in village. Maximum people of Bangladesh is landless and asset less. My study is in the field of credit policy of Grameen Bank with reference Rajshahi District Parila Branch. The economic development of Bangladesh depends on rural development. So, my study is very important is this context.
1.2 Definition of internship program
Internship training, practical training may be defined as systematic investigation intended add to available knowledge in of firm that I communication and verifiable.
Mr. Green gave a definition that, “Standard methods taking for searching knowledge are meant internship”
Practical training in necessary fir our needs especially to the student of Accounting Information System like us. We only acquire practical knowledge in the classroom of Universities it is trying need to us to acquire practical knowledge regarding in short internship is a method of acquiring knowledge for application is scientific well and find out the actual situation of certain fields.
Through internship a student can achieve the ability to find out real problems and can make suitable solutions.
1.3 Objectives of internship program
The main objectives of internship program are to earn practical expedience about a definite subject. It helps to achieve real knowledge and experience. The purpose of internship tainting is to discover answer to questions through the application of considerable procedures.
a) Identify the problems and put forward recommendations.
b) To gain familiarity with phenomenon of to achieve practical knowledge.
c) To investigate the cause of loss.
d) To celebrate advancement of the related concern by analyzing accounting ratios.
e) To implement the knowledge of practical training in the practical life.
f) To know which type or which kind of administrative skill is necessary to conduct the institution.
g) To innovate new technique of accounting.
h) To determine the frequency with which something else.
i) To accurately the characteristic of a particular individual condition on a group.
1.4 Significance of internship Program in accounting Information System
Theoretical knowledge is acquired for the purpose of applying is the practical life. Different importance of internship training program in Accounting Information System are-
a) Practice makes a man perfect-truthfulness of such can be achieved practical training
b) It gives the opportunity to know about the present situation of the institution.
c) Review the advancement of the institutions,
d) Expands the span of knowledge.
e) It facilitates thinking about problem of applying theoretical knowledge in the field of action.
f) It plays as important rile for the students of Business Studies and also to copulate their theoretical studies such s student may be service holder or Business person in future.
g) To enact different policies for the overall development of the institutions.
h) Provides the guide about which type of which kind of administrative skill is necessary to conduct the institution.
i) Real experience can be gained can be gained through practical one.
1.5 Objectives of the leaner
· To leaner different credit program of Grameen bank.
· To know the problems of Grameen bank credit policy.
· To analyze and interpret the credit program of Grameen bank.
· To measure the operating performance of different micro credit program.
· How Grameen women benefited by the Grameen bank credit policy?
· To give recommendation for better performance of Grameen bank.
1.6 Need for the learn
Credit is a new concept of rural finance. Landless and asset less people are getting benefit from credit of Grameen bank. Grameen bank is facing many problems fir credit distribution. Women are also confronting some problems. My study will show problems of both parties. Therefore, it might be helpful for all of them.
1.7 Limitation of the Internship
We know that practical training is essential to acquire a complete knowledge, but it is not achieved easily within the short time. That’s why this internship program is not over criticism. There are some shortcomings of internship program from the researcher point of view and enterprise point of view. The following limitations are:
From internee point of view:
· Time duration: Time duration is short period.
· Expensive: A good amount of money is incurred to prepare this report, which is not possible to maintain it properly.
· Experience: lack of pre experience because this program is for the first time to me/us.
· Questionnaire preparation: questionnaire preparation in the context of selected topic not possible precisely caused by lack of proper knowledge about the topic.
· Lack of convincing power: It the internee is not able to be comprehend the personnel about what he want to says, resulted that communication would not be better.
From the enterprise point of view:
· Lack of co-operation of personnel.
· Sufficient information is not provided to the internee in order to maintain enterprises privacy.
· In addition, the present of the enterprise try to avoid the internee in different ways.
1.8 Methodology of the study
We know that practical training is essential to acquire a complete knowledge. Data have been collected in the following ways.
a) Primary source
b) Secondary source
a) Primary source: The data, which are directly collected field the study field, are called primary data or raw data.
Primary data have been collected under the following methods,
a) Observation methods
b) Interviews
c) Questionnaire
I have collected data from the Grameen Bank Parila Branch, Rajshahi.
Outdate of the related department have been collected by interview and Questionnaire method
b) Secondary source: I have collected secondary data from the following sources.
a) The publications of Grameen bank.
b) Circular letter and journals.
c) Published papers on credit program
d) Internet search.
1.8.1 Tools used
In the present study the following tools have been used for data compilation tabulation and test.
a) Various tables.
b) Graphical presentation (bar diagram).
c) Line graphs.
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Definition of Internship program
1.3 Objectives of Internship program
1.4 Significance of Internships program
1.5 Objectives of leaner
1.6 Need for the leaner
1.7 Limitations of the Internship
1.8 Methodology of the study
1.8.1 Tools used
2.1 Grameen Bank at a Glance History of Establishment
2.2. Specialties of Grameen Bank
2.3. Goals and objectives of Grameen Bank
2.4. Organizational Structure
2.5. Administrative Hierarchy
2.6. Expansion and Coverage
a. Expansion of Credit Fund
b. Geographical Coverage
c. Coverage of Rural Dwellers
2.7. Formation of Group and center
2.8. Nature of Capital Formation
2.9. Manpower Employment
2.10. Extra Benefit
2.11. Parila Poba Branch at a Glance
3.1. Definition of Credit Policy
3.2. Major Characteristics of Credit policy
3.3. Objectives of Credit policy
3.4. Types of Credit Policy
1) Short term credit policy
2) Medium term credit policy
3) Long term credit policy
3.5. Various involve organization
a) Government organization
b) Non- government organization
3.6. Method of interest calculation
1) The Average Balance Method
2) The Effective Rate Method
3) The Flat Rate Method
3.7. Velocity of credit creation of GB
4.1. Introduction
4.2. Objectives of credit
4.3. Branch credit program
1) The Basic loan
2) Education loan
3) The housing loan
4. Struggling loan (beggar loan)
5.1. Introduction
5.2. Self-employment
5.3. Literacy status
5.4. Vocation knowledge status
5.5. Freedom in Social Decision Marking
5.6. Freedom in political choice
5.7. The status of Legal Rights
5.8. Changes in Mental oppressions
6.1. Introduction
6.2. Key concepts
1) Profit and profitability
2) Working funds
3) Earning assets
4) Common equity
5) Volume of business
6) Personnel expenses
7) Spread
Internship, Report, Credit, Policy, Grameen, Bank, Reference, Rajshahi, District, Parila, Poba, Branch, NGO, Bangladesh, Rural, Areas, Non-Governmental, Organization, Asia, Grameen, Bank, Professor, Muhammad, Yunus, Socio-Economic, History, Specialties, Organizational, Structure, Administrative, Hierarchy, Geographical, Coverage, F
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