Posted on 20th Oct 2024 01:24:08 AM Finance
Banks are among the most important financial institutions in the economy. In a dynamic economy, the banking institutions make the monetary system more dynamic. Modern economic activities are meaningless without bank. Now a day’s bank play a vital role as leading financial intermediary to meet the growing needs of every economy.
Bangladesh emerged as an independent nation after a bloody war of nine months of 1971. After independence The National Bank of Pakistan, The Bank of Bhawalpur Ltd. and The Premier Bank Ltd. were jointly declared as Sonali Bank by the Presidential order in 1972. Sonali Bank has been performing its activities as a representative of Bangladesh Bank since the independence of Bangladesh .Now Sonali bank continues its operations with 1304 branches. Its head office is situated at Motijhel in Dhaka. It started its activities with Tk.1000 crore as authorized capital and Tk.262.42 crore as paid up capital.
Rajshahi is one of the business places of North Bengal. There are various business organizations and educational institutions as well as schools, colleges, university. Sonali Bank, Rajshahi Medical College Hospital Branch started its operation in 19th December 1975.It is situated in the south of Rajshahi Medical College Hospital. It is one of the busiest commercial bank in Rajshahi town. This branch serves the medical college area as well as whole Rajshahi town by its various customary services. All the financial transactions of Rajshahi Medical College Hospital are performed by this branch. Moreover it also provides banking facilities for any other customer in Rajshahi town.
As a student of Finance & Banking, it is imperative to know the technical knowledge of banking. For this purpose, I had to undergo an internship program. This program is a part of our MBA program 2020. During my training at Sonali Bank, Rajshahi Medical College Hospital Branch, I learnt about general banking procedure such as: Cash receipt and payment, Remittance, Demand Draft, Mail transfer, Telegraphic transfer, Loans and advances, Token issue etc.
The main two tasks of a commercial bank are to collect deposit at lower interest rate and to provide loan as vital role in the development of an economy through mobilizing deposits. Because bank collect idle savings of people and turns it to investment. By this way bank becomes benefited and the national economy of the country becomes enriched. Side by side, people become able to keep their money safely in a bank and receive interest from it. Without the help of commercial banks, it is not possible to collect sufficient capital for national capital formation. From this point of view, I was assigned to do an analytical discussion on deposit behaviour of Sonali Bank, Rajshahi Medical College Hospital Branch.
The rest of the report is organized as follows: In chapter two, I have discussed about General Banking. In chapter three, I have discussed about Deposit Behaviour and finally in chapter four, I gave conclusion & recommendation.
As a part of my MBA program in the Department of Finance & Banking, University of Rajshahi, I was given the opportunity to have practical experience through a 15-day internship program on Sonali Bank, Rajshahi Medical College Hospital Branch. This program continued from 07-01-2022 to 21-01-2022. During this program, I was introduced with the practical knowledge of banking. It was really interesting to see how all those things happen what we learnt in the classroom. I found, of course many differences between theories and practices.
After completing my internship, I have prepared a report what I learnt during the program is presented here with my best efforts. I have tried my best to collect necessary data and information related to my study tropic and have prepared the report within a very short time. This report is divided into four parts. In first part I have stated introduction. Second part deals with General Banking functions of Sonali Bank, Rajshahi Medical College Hospital Branch. The third part addresses the area to which I was suggested to concentrate during the internship program and it was “Deposit Behaviour” conducted by Sonali Bank, Rajshahi Medical College Hospital Branch. I have found that the deposit position of the branch is satisfactory. In fourth part I have discussed about conclusion and recommendation of my analysis.
Bank’s certificate
2.1 Types of Deposit Accounts
2.2 Cash Payment and Receipts
2.3 (A) Opening an Account
2.3 (B) Closing an Account
2.4 Different Types of Bank Book
2.5 Customer Service
2.6 Loan and Advance
3.1 Methodology
3.2 Analysis
3.2.1 Deposit Mix position in the year of 2004
3.2.2 Trend of Total deposit
3.2.3 Account wise total deposit
3.2.4 Deposit Position of Fixed Deposit Account
3.2.5 Deposit position of short-term deposit (STD) Account
3.2.6 Deposit position of deposit pension scheme (DPS)
3.2.7 Deposit position of Sonali Bank special deposits & pension scheme (SDPS)
3.2.8 Deposit position of savings deposit account
3.2.9 Deposit position of current account
3.2.10 Deposit position of call deposit account
3.2.11 An observation: Changes in number of deposit account
Internship, Report, Analytical, Discussion, Deposit, Behavior, Sonali, Bank, Limited, PLC, Rajshahi, Medical, College, Hospital, Branch, General, Banking, Current, Savings, Deposit, Accounts, Cash, Payment, Receipts, Opening, Closing, Types, Bank, Book, Customer, Service, Loan, Advance, Fixed, Deposit, STD, Deposit, Pension, Scheme, DPS,
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