Admission Process in Public and Private Universities: A Comparative Study on the University of Rajshahi and Northern University Bangladesh

Posted on 30th Sep 2024 08:28:19 PM Public Administration

1.1 Introduction

Educational institutions are the best source of providing knowledge to the student. It is not only maintain the educational system but also it maintains the flow of nations intellectual activities. The development of a modern society depends to a large extent on the nature and standard of higher education. The growing importance of knowledge in the modern world can hardly be overemphasized, especially in the era of globalization and in a global environment, which is fiercely competitive. Particularly, higher education has enormous potential to promote prosperity in the developing nations. There are many educational institutions for providing higher education. A fair admission process is the responsibility of any university. Intention of my research is to work as a practical guide to fair admissions to which institutions can refer in reviewing and developing their admissions policies and processes and also the comparative study on the public and private university. 

1.2 Statement of the problem

At present higher education is operated mainly by the government, as well as private organizations. The numbers of public on private universities are also increasing day by day. There are huge gap between two types of educational sector compared with financial solvency, quality, teaching system, infrastructure act. The admission process of public and private universities is not the same also. The numbers of applicant in the admission process are increasing at present. So that a fair and transparent admission system are essential for all applicant. But there are some problems in the admission system of both universities. To identifying the problems and solve them. We can ensure a qualitative education system.

1.3 Objectives of Research

The subject of my research is to compare between two universities and also describing the admission process. The intension of the research is to identify to problem of admission process and also give a clear solution of them. The objectives of the research are:

· Impacts of Admission process on the quality of education.

· To find out existing problems and suggest remedies. 

· To exploring the impact of admission process on the quality of education.

· Describing the Admission process of both universities.

1.4 Significance of Research

An institutions structures and process should be designed to facilitate an efficient, high quality admission system. At any stage in the admission process, all applicants should be given an equal opportunity to provide relevant information or demonstrate relevant skills. Admissions criteria should not include factors irrelevant to the assessment of merit. Because a fair admission system should enable institutions to select students who are able to complete the course as judged by their achievements and their potential. So that this research are conducted to justify the admission criteria and situation of both universities. It also helps us to prepare and develop future plan for the higher education system. 

1.5 Review of Literature

A very limited amount of empirical work is available on the admission criteria. Some works are discussed briefly in the following:

· Monem Mabasser (January 25, 2007), 

“Higher Education in Bangladesh: Status, Issues and Prospects”, Papers of International conference, (20-25)

It is one of the most informative literatures on private public universities. Researcher shows present scenario of higher education in Bangladesh, Structure of the higher education in Bangladesh, Numbers of student and Teacher in Higher Educational institutions, Financing Public Universities, justification of private universities in great details. But there is no discussion about the admission criteria and the quality education in the paper. 

· Myan Mohammed Alimullah (April 3, 1989)

“Non government University movement in Bangladesh”, a working Paper of IBA.

The recent and future conditions of private universities are described in this paper but no discussion about the admission process. 

· Wadood Syed Najmul (2006) “The Public Private University Debate in the Higher Education Sector in Bangladesh”. A working paper of North-south University, Dhaka. 

He described various gap between the public and private universities, but there is no discussion in the field of admission process.

· Asraf A. Mohammad and Ibrahim Yusnidah (2009) and Joarder Mohd. H.R. (2009), 

“Quality Education management at private universities in Banglades”: An exploratory study, Journal Pendidik dan Pendidikan, Jil 24, (17-32). 

They describe the quality of education in private universities. There is no discussion about the system of admission or procedure. 

· Jamal Shawkat A.N.M (2000), 

“Role of Private University in human resource development in Bangladesh”, A working paper.

 He gave informative and effective comment of quality in higher education, Problems that faced by Public Universities and advantages of Private Universities. He doesn’t show the problems of admission and the impact of admission process on the quality of education. 

· Dr. M. Aminuzzam Salahuddin

“Quality Issues of Higher Education in Bangladesh”, A working paper.

He shows the quality of higher Education but doesn’t discuss the impact of the admission process in the quality of education. 

Thus it can be said that, a gap is found in the research work of higher education, that is the admission process of public and private universities and the impact of admission process on the quality of education of both universities. 

1.6 Research methodology

There are two types of research. Those are: 

· Quantitative research

· Qualitative research

Quantitative research is the systematic investigation of quantitative properties and phenomena and their interrelationships. The objective of quantitative research is to develop and employ mathematical models, theories or hypotheses pertaining to natural phenomenon.

Qualitative research is a field of enquiry that crosscuts discipline and subject matters. Qualitative researchers aim at gathering an in depth understanding of human behavior and the reasons that govern human behavior. Qualitative research relies reasons behind various aspects of behavior. This research is related with the quality of education in higher educational sectors. So I think qualitative research will be more helpful to collect data. 

1.7 Methods

There are a lot of research methods, which enable a researcher to conduct the study systematically. In this research paper I want to use survey methods. Generally, survey method is a technique of gathering information on data for making induction about the characteristics of population by observing only a representative portion of them. 

1.8 Sources of Data collection

There are two types of source for data collection. Those are: 

· Primary source

· Secondary source

Primary source:

There are several methods of collecting primary data. Those are: 

· Observation methods

· Interview method

· Through questionnaires

· Through schedules

Secondary sources:

Secondary data means data that are already available. They refer to the data, which have already been collected and analyzed by some one else. 

Secondary data may either be published or unpublished data. Published data are available. Such as: 

a) Various publications of the central, state and local governments. 

b) Various publications of foreign governments or of international bodies and their subsidiary organizations. 

c) Technical and trade journals

d) Book, magazines and newspapers

e) Reports and publications of various associations

f) Research reports prepared by research scholars, universities, economist etc.

g) Public records and statistics, historical documents and other sources.

In my research I shall use both sources for data collection, Primary and secondary. To collect data I shall use the questionnaires method. Open and closed questionnaires methods both will be used to collected data. Because it will be helpful to collect data from the student, applicants, Teachers and the others about the problems and solutions of Higher Education.


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1.1 Introduction

1.2 Statement of the problem

1.3 Objectives of Research

1.4 Significance of Research

1.5 Review of Literature

1.6 Research methodology

1.7 Methods

1.8 Sources of Data collection


2.1 Introduction

2.2 Higher Education’s and Quality Education

2.3 Quality of Higher Education in Bangladesh

2.4 Variables Identification

2.5 Fairness Admission Process


3.1 Introduction

3.2 Higher Education in Bangladesh: The Present Scenario

3.3 Public Universities in Bangladesh

3.3.1 Financing Public Universities

3.3.2 Students Tuition fees and other fees

3.4 Private Universities in Bangladesh

3.4.1 Justification of Private Universities

3.4.2 Regulations of Private University

3.4.3 Financing Private University

3.5 Rajshahi University

3.5.1 Admission Process of Public University

3.6 Northern University of Bangladesh

3.6.1 Admission Process of Private University


4.1 Study Findings


Recommendation and Conclusion





In this modern age public Administration has been recognized as an important branch. Now a day, it has gained extensive publicity and spreads all over the world. At present, the acceptability of public administration has increased to exercise all matters of the people living in the society in main subject of public administration. Both the theoretical and practical knowledge is included in experimentation of the public administration. 

At present, social research has been specially recognized as of its necessity of introduce the program suitable to the modern age and effective practicable specially for the administrative development society, economic and politics. Besides it is possible to acquire knowledge about society and people living in society through social research. 

With this object of the public administration department has included a term paper. The title of my term paper Admission Process in Public and Private Universities: A Comparative Study on the University of Rajshahi and Northern University Bangladesh. I tried my best to highlight the study incorporation aim, object, activities, and organization chart.



Social research is the way to know the society properly. As a student of Public Administration we need vast knowledge about different social opportunity and problems. Social research has opened a new way to acquire a practical knowledge about society and also the world.

Education System especially higher education is a mirror of present society. It carries on the development of a civilization. Our research topic Admission Process in Public and Private Universities: A Comparative Study on the University of Rajshahi and Northern University Bangladesh is related to the society as a whole. In our research, we have tried to show a new way to develop our educational sector compare with developed countries. 

Social research is a very broad way to discover something. We have no past experience about this field. We have some limitation. Man is not out of Mistake, we think. But we have tried to make it informative and appropriate. We hope that it will be able to fulfill user and social demand.

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